Chapter 8

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Out of all the seats in the room why there???

Hoseok thinks to himself as he walks into the already packed out classroom. All morning the older day has been full of surprises. First it was the new boy then it was Namjoon coming to school with his two cousin's now this. Hosoek watches with nervous eyes as the new boy readjust his position in his seat to his head was now fully laying down onto the desk while he used his backpack as a pillow.

"Maybe if I'm real quiet I can sneak into my seat.." Hosoek mumbles as he bites onto his bottom lip. "Hey he probably already forgotten about what happen this morning... He seems like the type to forget things." Hosoek continues to have his internal conflict as he walks further down the rows of desk and to his which is sadly placed right next to the new guys.

Before he can even react someone is knocked into him causing Hosoek to accidently make the girl infront of him knock her open bottle of water out of her hand.

"Opps I'm sorry Hoseok hyung" the boy calls out quickly while scratching the back of his head as he bows.

"Nah it's fine Mark it was a accident anyway." Hosoek smiled out before turning over to the girl infront of him. "How about you are you alright..."

If Hosoek wasn't scared before he sure was now. He wanted with wide eye's as the new boy slowly stood from his chair. His whole body from his head to toe was somewhat soak in water. Hosoek was at a lost as he watched for a moment as the girl continuously let out a string of apologies to him.

Not good

He thought out.

"What the hell is wrong with you huh!?" He yells out as the girl eye's fill with tears. This cause Hoseok momentarily dysfunctional mind to finally catch up. As he quickly steps between the two.

"She said sorry she didn't mean to." Hosoek speaks up. If you where to listen closely you could her the sound of his voice waver a little. He watches as the new guy eyes twitch for a moment before the grow wide.

"You're that asshole who was talking shit about me with your friends earlier."

"What? No I wasn't!" Hoseok quickly denied as he puts his hands up in defense. Before anything could progress to something worse the sound of their teacher's voice is heard through the classroom.

"What is going on in here!?" Everyone quickly takes their seats except of Hosoek who is no trying to explain himself to bother their teacher and the angry student And the new boy who is trying to decide wether he should punch Hosoek or not.

"Outside now." Ms.Parks demand as she points towards the door she had just came out of. Both boys slowly make their way out the room and into the now empty and quiet hallways.

"Reall!? Fighting on a Monday morning???" Mr. Parks yells out as she shakes her head in disapproval. "It's especially surprising when it's you our class present Hoseok."

Hosoek doesn't say anything as he continues to hang his head low in shame as he gets scolded.

"As for you yoongi." She starts once more. "You don't wanna go and get yourself suspended on the first day do you?" The now named yoongi doesn't say anything as he continues to to look to the side just wanting this whole conversation to be over with.

"I won't say this again." Ms. Park finish. " yoongi go get yourself cleaned up. As for you Hoseok get back in class." Just like this both boys go their separate ways. Hosoek could just tell today wasn't gonna be as good as he thought it was.


Jungkook tiredly taps the tip of his pen on his desk as he listens to the teacher read a page of the book out loud to the class occasionally calling out a student to read a paragraph. For some unknown reason he couldn't get the thought of Taehyung out of his head no matter how much he tried. It wasn't like Jungkook knew who the guy was but the way he looked at Jungkook with tears in his eye's gives Jungkook and unsettling feeling.

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