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I just received my letter and I was surprised that I was paired with Missy. I mean...I was saying so many mean stuff to her. I should apologise when I meet her again but...how? 

Day of school

Wildcard POV: I think she is not here yet-oh wait she is over there. What should I say? Did she just-say it is her dorm?! It is OUR dorm

Wildcard: And mines too

(Minutes later)

Wildcard POV: She is leaving. What should I say to her? Oh right, I should apologize to her

But all he did was saying "I miss you too"

Missy: What?

Wildcard POV: uh-uh 

Wildcard: I said nothing

Missy walks away

Wildcard POV: I could've just apologized. Maybe later 

Mildcard~Misscard (A New Beginning)Where stories live. Discover now