Chapter 2

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Warning: smut

Your blouse fell to the floor and that's when he stopped. His gripped loosened and you felt him run his hands down your back. "These scars. What happened?"

You let out heavy breaths and coughed a bit as you regained composure. As he felt down your scars you couldn't help but shiver. All your instincts were telling you to run, but you couldn't. You had come this far, all you had to do was sleep with him, grab his phone in the morning and you'd be set. You let out a laugh and turned around to face him. "Do you want the honest answer or the answer I tell all the men I sleep with?"

William's face twitched with slight agitation. He gave you the same stare he did when you first saw him. It really felt like he was looking right through you. "Let me guess, no matter what I choose you'll give me the latter."

You winked and pushed him back on the bed. You crawled on top of him and started to unbutton his shirt. You could feel his chest rising as the anticipation was getting to the both of you. As you pulled it off, you froze. His body, also littered with scars, though none like the ones you had seen before.

"What happened to you?"

He gave you a soft grin and mockingly questioned, "Do you want an honest answer or the answer I tell all the women I sleep with?"

William didn't give you much time to respond though because soon you were being rolled on your back and he hunched over you. "Don't ever try to take control from me.."

He grabbed your wrists and pinned you down, moving his face towards your neck as he started to softly kiss. You couldn't help but let out soft moans as your legs clenched together.  As the pleasure started to roll over your body you began to try and squirm your way out, but he wasn't going to give up that easy.

William noticed your intent to be free and he sighed, pulling away from your neck. "Tsk. What did I just say? Hmm?" Once more he brought his face to your neck, this time he had no intention of being gentle, no, he started to bite your sweet spot, teasing the skin between his teeth. Your moans became louder as the mix of pleasure and pain started to overcome you.

As his biting got stronger, you started to struggle more. You were the one to usually leave marks, in your head it was amusing how men would try to hide it from their wives. You could feel him pull away, a soft whimper escaping your lips. You felt a liquid roll down your neck, but that wasn't a bother for you right now.

"My, my, don't you look like a piece of work, how about you tell Mr. Afton where you want it." Not one to submit easily, you bit your lip and shook your head. You legs were still clenched together as you could feel your womanhood become slick with wet.

He raised an eyebrow and shook his head, "Someone is being a brat. How amusing." You watched as his palm caressed your stomach, slowly it made its way down to your skirt. You could feel your face going red as you were excited to feel him.

You felt a finger begin to go in and out of you, you let out a soft breath as he began to increase the rate of his thrusting. You gripped at the bedsheets as you felt a second finger pop in. As much as you were trying to hide your moans, there was no way you could now.

You closed your eyes and moved your hands up to your breasts, caressing them from underneath your bra. Going with William's rhythm, you could feel yourself becoming overwhelmed with pleasure.

Just an Affair (William Afton x reader)Where stories live. Discover now