Chapter 3

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smut warning

You woke up and groaned, it had been a while since you had felt hungover. You could feel the warmth of a body around you, this caused you to blink a couple of times. William hadn't gone home yet, you expected he would at least be rushing to get changed.

You considered your options here, sneak and try to get his phone or just wait for him to wake up. Both plans sounded good but your thoughts were intruded when you felt his morning wood right up against your ass.

Already starting to feel your body react, you blushed profusely. You could feel the inside of your thighs begin to get slick. Maybe it wasn't just the alcohol from last night that made you enjoy William so much.

Fuck it, you thought, this would tire him out before you grabbed for his phone. Plus you weren't complaining about more alone time with Mr. Afton.

You shifted your body around so that you were now facing him. You looked up at his sleeping face, he was a genuinely beautiful man. A slick jawline, nice cheekbones, it didn't help that he was well toned for his age. Why did you find yourself admiring him so much?

Lost in you current state of infatuation, you only desired him more. You moved your hand slowly, hovering over his erect penis for a few seconds before slowly running your fingertips across.

Williams eyes shot open and he looked at you smugly, "Someone's frisky.. I could get used to waking up to this every morning."

You couldn't help but blush more, "I couldn't help myself, I want to please you after last night." You blurted.

"Oh is that so?" He lifted your chin up with his finger and brought your face to his, "well then, you better start stroking."

Without hesitation, your hand clasped around his throbbing member and began stroking him up and down. William began to breath heavily as your paced continued, and you couldn't help but get more turned on by his sounds.

Pre-cum started to coat your hand as you pumped his lengthy shaft. You wanted him to cum, you wanted to taste him all. It wasn't fair he got to experience you all last night.

You bit your lip and innocently looked up at William, "Do I have daddy's permission to suck his cock?"

William let out a groan in pleasure, your words adding to his excitement. "I think you deserve it for being such a good girl"

You excitedly lowered yourself under the covers, continuing to maintain eye contact with him. The back of his hand gripped at your hair as he eagerly waited for you.

You started slow, leaving little kitten licks up his shaft, letting sounds of pleasure escape from William. When you felt satisfied by the noises you moved your way up to his tip, sucking slowly on it. Your tongue swirled around the top as you started to taste his pre.

The grip around your hair tightened as you started to bob your head, you were gonna tease him and draw this out as long as possible. Slow and steady, you made sure that your tongue swirled around his length as you attempted to take him.

Williams breathes were laboured, groaning as you took him deeper and deeper. "Fuck, your mouth.. I just want to fuck your brains out.."

You couldn't help but smile, which was a bit hard considering you had a dick in your mouth. You moved your free hand to your pussy, slowly pumping a finger in as you were covered in slick.

Just an Affair (William Afton x reader)Where stories live. Discover now