Chapter 4

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It took you a week before you showed up to William's work. You had never left a job incomplete, you hadn't returned to the bar since, your eyes were all on him.

You entered the building, the sounds of children playing, the smell of pizza, how did a man like William own this place?

You looked around, no sign of him. You took a deep breath and approached a worker who was watching the children. "Excuse me, is your manager in?" You said rather timidly.

The worker gave you a smile, "Sure is. Could I ask what it was regarding?"

A soft tinge of pink brushed over your cheeks, "oh.. it was regarding a personal matter. Just let him know Y/N is here."

The worker raised an eyebrow before shrugging and walking off. You anxiously waited for his return. Was William seriously going to risk his job just to have sex with you? First his marriage and now his job, he really didn't seem to have a care in the world.

The worker returned and pointed you to the direction of where William's officer was, "Just through that door. You're lucky, he seems to be in a good mood."

You nodded and gave a warm smile before taking a beep breath and heading for the door. You wore something more casual today, and yet you found yourself wondering if William would like you still. A turtleneck with some jeans and boots, you had to hide that bite mark William had left on you.

You knocked before entering, closing the door behind you. You sheepishly smiled and waved to William.

"I won't lie, genuinely surprised me to hear that you came in"

You shrugged and walked closer to him, taking a seat on the desk. "What can I say, I have taken an interest to you Mr. Afton."

He smiled and leaned back in his seat, "How flattering. I won't deny that you crossed my mind a few times, especially when I'm in here."

You blushed and looked away, "I'll tease you before you bend me over that desk and fuck me."

William let out a soft laugh, "Please, I can make you beg.." He gave you a stare, "because I know you want to please daddy"

You felt your legs clench together as you froze, god damn why was he affecting you so fucking much. Maybe it's because he knew your kink, maybe it was his eyes, god men never had this affect on you.

"S-shut up!"

He smiled smugly and stood up, bringing himself over to you. He brought his face to yours and cupped it in his hand. "Don't worry sweetheart, you're not getting punished today. But you are gonna come with me on my break."

You felt yourself melting into his hand once more, his touch was so comforting. "I told you I don't do romance."

"I didn't say it had to be romantic. This could be a friends with benefits, I still need to know you as a friend."

"I guess you're right"

"But you're also full of shit. Let me ask, are you still wearing my wedding band?"

You felt your eyes bulge out of your head as you blushed profusely. You were not expecting him to ask that question, you thought that maybe he had forgotten about it.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I'm romantically interested in you."

William bit his lip, "You could of given it back, you could of pawned it off, hell you could of thrown it away. But instead you keep it on your finger." You felt his hand lay on yours, carassing the ring finger that had his hand. "I think you're more interested than you're letting on."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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