☀︎☁︎A new friend☁︎☀︎

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Carter, his brother, and his father quickly arrived at King's cross station and started to look for the platform. Carter knew how to get through the barrier seeing as his brother and father informed him and made sure he knew what to do. "Alright boys, quickly hurry up now. We don't want to miss the train! It'll be leaving soon!" Amos shouted to his two boys.

Carter and Cedric quickly made their way over, and ran through the barrier followed by their dad who was behind them. Carter was in awe. It was his first time seeing the train and he felt a certain rush of excitement growing in him. He never thought he would admit it, but he was excited to be going to the new school. "Oh yes I know it's beautiful Carter but come on, your brother has already boarded the train!". Carter was in such awe that he hadn't even noticed that his brother said his goodbyes, and already boarded the train along with his belongings. Amos helped his younger son onto the train and handed his trunk and owl cage to the bellboys to take care of.  "Well son, we best be parting now. Have a good year! No, have the best year you can have! Enjoy it and please have fun. Write to me son! I'll be waiting for your letters! Goodbye m'boy, I love you." Amos said and hugged Carter tightly, while ruffling his hair. "Thank you dad, I'll try and have a good year and yeah, don't worry I'll write, trust me. I love you too. See you."

Carter boarded the train and made his way to a compartment to have a seat. It was empty, so of course he assumed no body was using it so, he sat down inside of it and got settled. A few minutes later, he heard footsteps and laughter approaching, and they continued to grow closer. He started to worry a bit. The door was then threw open and out stood a platinum-blonde haired boy with two bigger boys behind him. "Yeah crabbe that was hilarious- GOYLE! CRABBE! LOOK! The little ugly git thinks he can take our compartment!" The blonde said. Carter got annoyed and replied back with; "Ugly git? If you want to define ugly, just turn around and look at the two behind you mate. Seriously though, they look like a person's big toe." The laughing and smiling expressions on Crabbe and Goyle's face quickly dropped as they heard Carter's comment and tried to lunge at him, but he pulled his wand out and held it to their necks. Frightened, they backed up and kept their distance. "Don't be a smart arse. This is our compartment so I'll give you a choice, you either take your stuff and move out or we'll drag you out by the collar of your shirt." Carter wasn't intimidated at all by these blokes and answered; "Your compartment? Well I must need glasses or contacts because I don't see your name on it anywhere." Malfoy began to threaten Carter and insult him but was interrupted when a boy with dirty blonde, messy hair and blueish greenish eyes came up from behind and said; "Why don't you just take your goons and leave him alone Malfoy!" Malfoy sneered at the boy but soon gave up and left to go sit somewhere else. The boy entered the compartment and asked Carter if it was okay if he sat down with him, to which Carter nodded.

"The name's Joshua Brown, but my friends call me Josh. Are you new here mate? I've never seen you around before. If you aren't new and I haven't noticed you then I do apologize..." Carter chuckled then replied; "I'm Carter Diggory and yes before you ask, Ced's my older brother." Carter did know about his brother's fame and whenever he would introduce himself to someone, they would ask him if Cedric was his brother. He continued; "And yeah, I'm new here. Been homeschooled since I was 11 by my dad but this year he decided to send me to school in person. So this is gonna be my first year at Hogwarts but since I'm 14, I'll be going into my fourth year technically." Joshua answered with "Oohh that's why I've never seen you around before. Well this is also my fourth year at Hogwarts Carter. I'm in Gryffindor, so if you get sorted into Gryffindor, we'll be great friends cause I like you already mate." Carter smiled at the compliment and said "yeah hopefully we will, it'll be great to have a friend. By the way mate, thanks for your help back there with that boy and his goons. I appreciate it. What's his name anyway?"

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. And the two behind him are Crabbe and Goyle. They follow him everywhere and are basically his entourage. I'd stay away from them if I were you though Carter, they like to pick on others a lot." Josh said. "Yeah I could tell mate." Carter replied, causing Josh to chuckle. The two sat in silence for a moment before a girl with the same dirty blonde hair as Josh, only curly, came knocking on the compartment door trying to find her brother. "Josh! Josh are you in there?! I'm coming in!" The door slid open to reveal the girl. "Josh there you are! Finally I found you, I've been looking everywhere for you and-" The girl noticed Carter and turned to look at him. "Josh who's your friend here? And is he single?" She whispered to her brother in hopes of Carter not hearing but he did, he just chose not to say anything about it. Josh groaned in annoyance before speaking up and saying; "Carter, this is my twin sister Lavender brown." She extended her hand in order for him to shake it and said "Yes that's meee!." She didn't say anything else, instead she continued to shake Carter's hand for a little too long with a twinkle in her eye. Almost a dreamy twinkle. Carter's arm grew tired so he decided to pull back and introduce himself.

"Oh um I'm Carter Diggory. Nice to meet you Lavender." She giggled while twirling her hair and said "Very nice to meet you too Carter!." Josh grew disgusted and shoved his sister out of the compartment and pretended to gag. "I think your sister has a thing for me mate. Then again who wouldn't? I am incredibly good looking. Oh and with this smile? I can get all the ladies." Carter said cockily. "Jeez, cocky much Diggory?" Josh asked. "Maybe a bit.." Carter replied which caused the two boys to break into a fit of laugher.

A few minutes later Carter heard a trolley heading down the hallway of the compartments and decided to open the door and see what was there. He saw a lady pushing a trolley while yelling out "anything from the trolley dears?" She made her way to Carter and Josh's compartment and asked them if they wanted anything. Carter used some of his money that his dad had got him from Gringott's bank while at Diagon Alley and purchased two chocolate frogs, and some licorice wands. He handed a frog to Josh and sat down to begin eating his treats. Once finished some time later, Josh spoke up and said; "Well we best be going to change into our robes mate. We'll be at Hogwarts soon." Carter nodded and took his spare robes he had kept with him in a bag into the loo to change. He finished changing and headed back to the compartment but noticed Josh wasn't back yet so he decided to just wait. Josh came back five minutes later and sat down back in his spot. Him and Carter broke into conversation about anything really, and before they knew it, they were at Hogwarts.

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