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Harry was stood in the great hall he was overlooking all the mourning friends and classmates helping the injured and caring for them who did not make it. He was overwhelmed and could not look any longer. He was glad it was over but could not handle all the pain and sorrow in this room as he stood there alive and well. He could see his family all but in blood around Fred with Lupin and Tonks next to them. Too much loss. Too much pain. Too much guilt for still being here when they were not. Harry turned and urged every part of his body not to run but walk out the hall. He walked to the stairs outside the main doors as he saw someone else coming back to the school. He would know that boy anywhere. Years of teasing and fighting. Deep down all he wanted was to run to him and hug him and kiss him. Yes, Harry was confused. The boy had saved his life. He wanted to thank him but because he was and is a death eater, he could not bring himself to.

Malfoy looked up from the battlefield that was his school grounds to see Harry sat on his own, He could not believe that harry was alive and more than that, that at this time Harry was sat on his own and not surrounded by all his friends and people who wanted to celebrate with him. He slowly walked towards Harry trying to see the look on his face, to try and read his body language. This did not help as he was so lost himself, he could not work it out. He slowly walked towards Harry. Harry saw him walking closer and wanted to run, He could not face this now. But Malfoy was to close now.

'Harry? 'Malfoy did not want to get any closer encase Harry throw a hex or two at him. He was not sure how he would even be accepted by the boy who lived. Harry just looked up and did not say anything or move. Malfoy took this to mean he could carry on. 'Harry why are you here and not with everyone else. I want to talk to you about things but maybe not now' Draco looked at his own feet as he shuffled them in the debride.

'Malfoy' said Harry in a quiet almost whisper, 'why did you save me and help me?' Harry looked up for a second. 'You are right now is not the time for this' Harry just looked back down at his own feet on the steps. He heard someone moving but with all the fuzziness in his head he did not care who it was as they sat next to him. He had tears coming down his face and could not take in any more of anything at that time. He felt more broken than ever as he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and himself being pulled into a one-armed hug. He did not fight it and even though he knew it was Malfoy he just stayed there; it was what he needed no pain just someone there not talking not pushing for him to do anything just time. They stayed like this for a while no one knew how long till they hear 4 people coming out the forest.

Harry jumped to his feet and grabbed his wand. He did not know if they were friends or a few left over death eater wanting to get their own back for what Harry had done. When the people came into the light and Harry could almost make out who they were he thought he had gone crazy and turned to Malfoy and just said 4 words that would change the rest of his life. 'do you see them?' Malfoy look again. 'Harry how are they here?'

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