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2 hour ago

They could feel cold and damp leaves under them, and they could hear things. How could they feel anything? They were ghosts of themselves and only Harry should be able to see them but not touch them, the 4 body's that had appeared listen as none of them was sure what was happening. They could hear people leaving them saying 'Harry is dead, no longer the boy who lived'. They did not know if they knew they was there. 

Sirius opened his eyes first, he did not understand how he could feel cold or damp. He lifted his head and could only see by the moon light, but he could make out 3 other body's. None moving then the one closest did as he had just done and looked up and around, He could not believe his eyes. It was his James His prongs he got up quickly maybe a little to quickly and stumbled on top of James 'Prongs' he half whispered half cried. James pushed him off him. 'Pads you great lump I have not felt anything for years and the first thing I feel is u land on top of me' He was laughing. He looked over at the other two people with him and hoped the red head was his wife. As she looked round to see what the nose was, he saw her as beautiful as ever and ran over to her and just held her close. As James did this Padfoot went over to the last body and whispered, 'moony its ok we are here with you' Held out a hand and help him up and into a hug. They all looked at each other in confused states.

'well, what happened last thing I remember was walking with Harry towards Voldemort and now we are all here and I can touch you and feel things. Are we alive again? Where is Harry? 'Lily sounded almost as if she was crying but unsure if to be happy or sad.

Remus, Sirius and James all looked at each other as if they knew what the others was thinking. 'This is deep in the forest I would know it anywhere' Sirius said as the others nodded. He looked round for something to check if he was alive, I saw a sharp stone on the floor and picked it up and pressed into his hand. He whined in pain 'Yep I am alive, and I think that goes for you all too.'

Remus looked up at pads 'What do we do now. We need to find Harry! We all know what he was going to do!'

They all looked at him thinking the same thing, how could they forget what Harry was doing here. They had all been here because of him and now they were all back because of something that had to do with Harry it was the only reason they could of.

One at a time they started to look round the tress and found the clearing that they were walking towards before it all went black. 'This is where he was going' progs said as the others came closer. The clearing was empty. No one there anymore. 'Did anyone hear what they were saying as the voices moved away from us or know what way they went?'

They all looked at each other as the worry spared around the small group quickly. 'We need to find a way out and see what is happening. I know the battle was happening, we all know that Voldemort was going to fight as well. We need to go and help!' Remus as getting very worried that something had happened to Harry, and he wanted to go back and help.

'Lets just take a minute we have all just come back from the dead. None of us have a wand and now you want us to head into a fight. OK now I know the plan lets go!' Sirius wanted to go and help and knew they would work it out on the way, someone will have lost the wand we would find one he was sure of it.

Lily looked at the boys, 'this is all well and good and yes we need to find Harry and help win this stupid war but do any of you what way to go?'

James, Remus and Sirius looked at each other and all pointed in different direction and said, 'this way I think.'

Lily laughed. it was all she could to stop the tears falling out of fear for her baby boy. 'Right, we need to think, You 3 have spent more time in this forest than any other Hogwarts student u must be able to work out what way to go?'

James looked at Lily with a look that said sorry. Remus look at Sirius and he knew what to do. 'I think its time for padfoot to try and use his nose.'

Sirius looked more confused than anyone could have though possible. Remus laughed and the other two understood in the end and laughed at him too. 'come on pads its not that hard, we need u to use your nose as PADFOOT!' James laughed.

Sirius at this laughed and transformed into padfoot and started to sniff. He soon picked up the sent and was heading off towards the way the others had gone. After a few minutes he turned round and saw none of us 3 friends behind him. Padfoot let out a huff, how could he forget that they would not be able to keep up and went running back to them.

With everyone in toe it was slower going than padfoot wanted. He knew there must be very behind the death eaters now as the sent was not strong, but he hoped they would still get there in time. As they came out the forest the sun light hit them, but all was quiet. This sent panic through the 4 friends. Padfoot turned back to Sirius and looked at the other worried faces.

They started to walk toward the castle and was meet by two people holding wands towards them. 

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