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The six people all looked at each other, Harry was the first to move, he lowered his wand and took a step forward. He looked back at Draco 'That can't be them, they are all dead? If you can see them to, they must be real?' He could not work out how both could see them same thing when all 4 people he was looking at he knew to be dead.

James and Lily moved toward the two boys stood by the castle and them they broke into a run towards them as they saw it was Harry. James got there first and went to pull Harry into a hug as Draco stood in-between them. Draco looked scared as he tried to keep his tone strong 'Who are you? You can not be who you look like.'Draco looked back to Harry. 'Should I get someone? Will u be safe if I run inside?' Harry nodded and drew his wand and pointed at the 4 new faces. 'You all stay there! Do not come closer!' with this he ran inside and happened to run into Professor McGonagall. She looked very shocked to see Draco here.

'Professor u need to come, Its Harry!' Draco tried to say as clearly as he could but before he needed to explain any more, she was running toward where she could see Harry was standing. As she got closer, she could see the 4 people Harry was facing. She blinked a few times, rubbed her eyes as if they were playing tricks on her. She drew her wand quickly and moved forwards to stand in front of Harry. 'who are you?' She said sternly.

James laughed looking from lily, who looked worried at McGonagall who look scarier than she even had as his teacher. 'You know who we are. James (he said pointing to himself) and lily potter. That is Remus and Sirius. You taught us. You know us as well as anyone alive today'.

She turned to Harry as asked in a motherly way 'Harry I know who they look like and we both know what happened each of them, what do u want to do?'

Harry looked confused at her before he waved his wand and bond all 4 of the newcomers together and they were shocked and tried to shout out, but no noise came. He looked at his teacher and ask 'do we have any veratrums? It's the only way to be sure who they are.'

Draco went to move away to melt away into the shadows as he felt this did not involve him. Harry reached out a hand on his arm and just held him still. Harry could not explain why he wanted Draco there, but he did. He wanted the comfort back he had a few moments ago when it was just the two sat there. He wanted to know someone was there who did't expect anything from him.

McGonagall had nodded and gone back inside to find Slughorn. While she went the two boys just stood there in shock and fear. She soon returned and moved the 4 people into the castle towards a room off the great hall. Harry followed with Draco hand still on his arm softly as if to say, 'please stay'. Draco followed he did not know why but he felt like Harry needed him, Slughorn soon came into the room where the 4 bond people was, He let out a gasp of shock.

"Minever you who ....... How can they be here now?" slughorn said in shock not taking his eyes on Lily.

"this is why we needed your potion so much, have you brought it?" She replied. He held up the vile and passed it to her. She gave one of the four a few drops from the vile. She looked at Harry and nodded.

Harry removed the spell that had made them all silent but no one of them spoke. They just looked in shock as to why they were being treated like this. They could not understand why. Harry walked over to Remus and asked, "who are you?"

Remus replied "Remus lupin Werewolf and friend"

"what was the first memory I thought of when I was learning the potrnus charm?"

Remus looked shocked at this question but replied "the first time you flow a broom"

Harry moved over to Sirius next "who are you? And what was the nickname we gave you?"

Sirius replied with a laugh in his voice, "Sirius black your godfather and You called me snuffles"

Harry looked at McGonigal hoping she would pick on the fact he did not want to ask who the other two was encase they was not his mother and father. She took the hint and walked over to James and asked, "Who are you and what position was you in the quidditch team at Hogwarts?" James chuckled and answered "I am James Potter I was seeker and captain"

Slughorn now turned to Lily and asked with a tear in his eye "who are you and what did you leave on my desk?" Lily blushed a little at the memory of this and said, "I am Lily potter, I left a single petal that had been charmed to turn into a fish".

Harry still unsure what to do now walked out the room. He could not handle the loss of the night followed by them being there. Draco followed him. "do you think it is them?"

Harry looked up at Draco again for the first time since he had got the teachers, "Draco I want it to be them, Part of me believes them but with everything that has happened can it be real. I do not get a Happy Ever After I have know this for so long, Its always been me on my own even when I had Ron and Hermione with me, I always knew I would end up here, although I never thought I would live past this night, I am not the hero everyone thinks is so amazing, I am the boy who just wanted to live a normal life with loved one but who is to scared to love because everyone I love dies. And now there is four people in that room 2 of them was like fathers to me and the other 2 are my family. How am I meant to deal with this?"

Draco just took hold of Harry in his arms. Just at that moment Ron and Hermione came out the Hall. They Looked shocked at what they could see and went up and pulled Draco off Harry and Ron punched in him in the face, giving him a back eye and knocking him to the floor. "Ron you prat, He was not hurting me! He was helping me!" Harry shouted as he went up to Draco and helped him up. At Harrys shouts the 6 Adults in the other room came out to see what had happened.

Ron turned to see who it was and just looked shocked While Heroine looked scared to see the 4 dead people stood behind two of her teachers. Harry said to McGonagall "do you trust them since you have taken their bindings off them?" she nodded and simply said "Harry I have no doubt in my mind they are who they look like, as to why they are here and why now I can not tell you. They all answered the questions under veritumsruim, and it cannot be fooled as you know, Slughorn made this himself and assures me it is the best there is. Maybe, I don't know somehow you have given up and lost so much that maybe the fates have ensured you got something, or should I say someone's back" She turned to Ron Hermione, Slughorn and Draco and said, "they will need time to talk let's go back to the Hall". With this the others left Harry with them.

"How are you here? You walked with me to my death, but u was not real just imprints of who you are now you are all stood there very real" he said more to himself than to them as he walked up to Sirius and put his hand out and touched him. As soon as he felt he was real he wrapped him arms around him, the tears just started to flow from him. Sirius hugged him back in a tight hug as if to take away his tears with that hug,

"Hey kid, We don't know how we are back none of us do but we are here, All of us together me your mum, Pads and Mooney are all back, I think it was the stone somehow, One minute we was with you in the forest not really there and next we was where you left us, On the cold hard damp floor of the forest"James looked at his son, Wishing he had gone to him for that hug but understood that he knew Sirius and had never known lily or himself.

After a while Harry moved away from Sirius and moved round the group of hugging each one of them. He took his time with each of them as if it might be the last time, he got to hold them. Harry moved to walk towards the hall and the 4 followed him, them not knowing what to see on the other side, it was a shock to see all the people injured and some covered on the floor now had been moved to the side of the hall all lined up with some having groups around them. "I can't stay here much longer" Harry said to them as he walked toward the Wesley's who was still with Fred, "I'm going to tell them I'm going to grimmel place when they want me" He walked over and explain to Hermione and she nodded. With that he walked to ward Draco who he could see standing by the door when he turned back, He took Draco's hand and said quietly to him, "I'm going home please come we need to talk" Draco just nodded and followed Harry to the shocked and worried faces by the door of the 4 newcomers.

Harry took Draco's hand and Sirius in the other as they all joined hands knowing Harry was taking them somewhere, they apparated back to Grimmel place. 

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