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Chapter 1 (before prologue)

"Commander Alia wants her tea hot, remember Dani?"

"Of course," I said, dumping out the luke warm tea I had prepared a long time ago. "You know, this job sucks." I said, lowering my tone so only Lila's ears could hear.

Lila turned her head toward me "Yeah, but just don't let anyone else hear you talk like that."

I would have liked to think that Lila and I were friends, we shared more than one conversation during our labor hours and we always ate together at break. I never shared any personal matters with her, those thoughts I kept to myself. I guess I just let my tongue slip that day.

"Well, I'm going to go serve the burning hot tea to Commander Alia." I said with a laugh at the end.

Lila smiled in return and turned back toward her plater of lavish sea food she was preparing.

Sea food. Something I had never tasted and only wished to try. I was in group five, the lowest group out of all of the five groups. It also didn't help that I was a servant. I had never even gotten to try real meat, something I see everyday being cooked for the Commander in the kitchen.

I walked through the opened doors, passing through metal air stairs, a piece of technology that carries enough air to rush you off your feet and up in a metal cylinder that arrives you to the next floor in a matter of seconds. I've rode the air stairs once, when I had twisted my ankle and couldn't walk up the normal marvel covered stairs to deliver some paper work to Commander Alia. Of course a defender had to escort me, a servant could never be trusted alone with such important technology.

I walked up the three sets of marbled stairs, it was unfair how the commander made the servants travel so far just to give her a tiny cup of tea. In the other four groups, they didn't even have servants, they had technology were food and clothes just appear in front of there faces in a blink of an eye. How lucky they were to have such things.

I walked passed the defenders guarding the Commander's floor, the floor had enough gold stashed to keep a family of ten alive for years.

The defenders only glanced at my face, they didn't even bother to take notice of my ID. Perhaps it's because I appeared there everyday at the same time, as the girl with the tea. Out of all the faces that passed by them in a day, it almost seemed a little sinister that they remembered me. Or maybe they just couldn't care less about their jobs, since nothing exciting had happened in more than two years.

I stepped through the doors that led to Commander Alia's floor and walked quickly to deliver the tea while it was still steaming. I was careful not to walk at a pace that was too fast, no one knew were the security cameras were, and I was almost positive if you walked too swiftly then you could end up with an starving stomach all night.

Servants like me, got feed twice a day. Once in their ten minute break, and again when their labor hours were over and they could return to their cell. The Commander most likely would not let us die from starvation but she wasn't very giving either, though I was thankful that I got two handfuls of rice and a glass of recycled water each day.

After passing through hundreds of sealed doors, that I was sure let to rooms that were never used, I found Commander Alia's office. I had never been in her office before, neither had anyone I knew of. One day I spent all my pleasure time thinking about what it looks. I imagined it to be huge and coated in billions of gold chunks and pearls as white as my skin, all just laying around. A red velvet love seat made of the perfect silk, four white pillows soft enough that your hand would bounce off of it when it comes in contact with the white cushion. A Techno screen half the size of the room, which faced the silk love seat.

A Techno screen was a newer more improved model of a television, where you can enter inside the picture and interact with the characters. I had an old rusted television in my cell, everyone was given one, some had lost the privilege though. Our television couldn't pick up pleasure channels, it was only used to see what was happening in other groups, or on occasion picked up the weather .

I slid the cup of tea through the pocket of the door, a rectangle shaped hole with a flap that opened and then would fall back in place, like a mailbox.

Walking away to go back to labor and torture, I turned around as I heard a loud clatter, as if a glass cup had fallen and smashed on the ground. Then a high pitched whimper crept to my ears followed by a bang.

All sounds coming from Commander Alia's office.


Hey awesome people who read my story...chapter one is done...Ya!!!...Hope u like!!!!.. It's like one in the morning, so the endings not the best but...I really wanted to write chapter two tomorrow...

Fan, vote , and comment!!! it would really b awesome if u could..;) ya

And thx @xxChocolateEyesxx for editing...Thx for believing in me no matter how bad my grammar and spelling is...luv u sissy...

Well hope u enjoyed!!

- Peace Out -

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