The Taste of Your Lips Gave Me Amnesia

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Dinner was a great time, as it always is with these guys. We split off after, as per usual, and Kags, Bokuto, Atsu-ass and I all headed to some club Kags suggested. He seemed distracted all night. He's not really a talker, but he was quieter than normal tonight. He was also texting someone all night, which really isn't like him. While the other two were noisily talking up front, I nudged him with my elbow to get his attention. "Hey," I said quietly. He looked up from his phone like he'd forgotten there were other people in the car. "You ok? Did something happen?" I asked.

He looked confused at first, but then realized what I was talking about. "Oh. No. Sorry. Ran into a friend from home here, just been catching up." He said. "Home? Like Italy? Or home home?" I asked. "Home home." He said, looking back to his phone. "You had other friends besides me?" I said confused. He punched me in the arm. "You're an idiot." He replied. "Hey! You should tell them to come out with us!" I said excited that I had a good idea for once. "Why do you think we're going to this club?" he answered flatly, sucking all the wind from my sails. "Oh." I said quietly. "Think he'd wingman for me?" I said joking around. Kags actually laughed and just shook his head without ever looking up. "I don't think that's their scene, but maybe."

Thanks to who his friend was, we were on the list and skipped the line, which was fantastic. The club was typical LA bougie and full of plastic people. LA wasn't my favorite town, but I couldn't deny it was fun. The three of us went to get drinks while Kags went off to find his friend. I stood there waiting for my drink, looking around. There were some fine looking women around, but most either looked like they couldn't be bothered or were already hanging on some douche. Maybe I'll just stay with Tobio tonight. The thought made my dick twitch in my jeans and brightened my mood a little.

As the bartender finally handed me my $20 drink, I see Kags walking back over, small smile on his face. "Hey, grab your drinks, we got a table in VIP." He said. "No way!" I said. I've only ever been in the VIP section of a club once before. I felt like a little kid again. He just rolled his eyes at me and turned around, leading the way. He moved the heavy curtain aside and I followed him through. Sitting at the table was a mixture of guys and girls, most seemingly already trashed, except one. I stopped short, causing Bokuto to walk into me.

I didn't even hear what he said because I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating or not. There, sitting in the booth, talking to Tobio, was the girl from the beach. In a city of almost 4 million people, I ran into her again. She had on this amazing dark blue dress that fit her body like it was custom made for her alone. The black stilettos she wore made her legs look a million miles long, and that tanned skin of hers glowed, even in the dim light of the club. Her long hair laid over her one shoulder and her eyes literally sparkled with the random lighting.

I don't know how long I stood there, but she looked over and did a double take when she saw me. An adorable smile came across her lips when she realized who I was. "...Oh and this is my friend, Hin-" "Creamsicle." She said interrupting Kags' introduction. He looked very confused. She stood up to walk over to me and it was like watching pure sex move across the floor. My jeans were suddenly uncomfortably tight. She stopped just before me and turned back to Kags, "We met earlier on the beach today." She said. "This-HE was the dude?" Kags said, completely flabbergasted.

I just continued to stand there; mouth open, shocked. It's ok, I'm an idiot, so this much is expected right? Because I can't seem to do anything else. "I-uh...I still owe you an ice cream." I finally spit out and her grin grew wider. "I'm Yoshimura Nikko, you can just call me Nikko." she said, holding her hand out to me. Do I kiss it? Do I shake it? What do I do? It'd be creepy if I kissed it right? Do I bow? Shit! I grabbed her hand to shake it at the same time as I bowed and successfully made a proper ass of myself. Everyone in the booth froze and stared before Atsu-fucker burst out laughing, drawing Bokuto in with him.

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