Banana Pancakes for my Problems

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       I opened my eyes, flinching in the bright sunlight that streamed in the floor to ceiling windows. I hadn't even noticed them last night, but then again, I was a little preoccupied. Kags was still sleeping next me, the sound of his soft snores peaceful, his arm draped over me. I looked around, but there was no sign of Nikko. I sat up slowly, letting his arm slide leisurely down to my lap. I looked to the empty side of the bed and finally saw a little note on the pillow next to us. I couldn't help but smirk. This feels familiar.

My Boys,

I had to catch an early flight and I didn't want to wake you. Take your time, order some breakfast or lunch, it's all taken care of. Tobio, I'll call you later. Creamsicle, get my number from Tobio, if you'd like to stay in touch. Thanks for the best visit to LA yet.

Safe travels,


I had to laugh a little. This was a first for me. I was always the one leaving before breakfast, not the other way around. Guess this is how it feels. I climbed out of bed, leaving Kags sleep. It was only 830, no need to wake him up yet. I went and got a shower in the insanely extravagant bathroom. They'd had similar type of showers in the Olympic Village, steam settings and multi-jets, but there was usually no hot water left by the time we got there. It felt good to just stand there under the hot water.

Nikko. She was unique, that's for sure. I kept running over yesterday and last night in my head. It was insane that it went from me literally crashing into her to the three of us fucking six ways from Sunday. I've had my fair share of experiences, but that...that was a first. The fact that it was all orchestrated by Kags played with my head too. He always just played us off as a thing of convenience, not something that he thought about in his free time, let alone fantasized about. We had amazing chemistry, but we've known that since our first year at Karasuno. I always thought my day dreams about us were one-sided, since that was always more my personality than his.

The two of them together had me all tied up in my underwear with everything that happened. As I dried off and looked in the mirror, I noticed the bite mark on my shoulder from Kags. He was always careful to make sure he only left marks where they could be covered up from the public eye. I couldn't deny that I loved it when he left me little reminders like this. I thought about waking him up with a little good morning fun, but I figured he'd probably want breakfast instead.

I wandered around the ginormous penthouse, first looking for a menu or something, then for a phone. The menu was on a digitized touch screen display that ordered without a phone call. Man, to be this rich. I ordered myself some banana pancakes with bacon and Kags eggs, scrambled with fresh veggies, turkey sausage and of course, milk, and two giant coffees. He was a creature of habit, if nothing else. I stared out the massive windows as I waited for the food to arrive, just looking out over LA. It wasn't as pretty as most cities were, but I loved it nonetheless. I didn't even mind the late-July heat; it reminded me of home in Rio.

All of a sudden, my towel disappeared. I turned around just in time to see Kags twirling it into a whip before he snapped it against my ass cheek. "Ahh! Jerk." I said as he laughed his ass off. He threw it back at me as he continued to snicker. "Man, I ordered you food and everything and this is how you treat me." I said with mock hurt. "Like that's different from any other time." He said as he walked up to me. "True." I said smirking at him. He ran a finger over the mark he left before grinning a sly little smile at me. I bent forward and kissed his neck, just a little kiss. "So, are you going to tell me what last night was all about?" I asked.

"What's there to tell? I'd mentioned to her in the past that I've always wanted to try a threesome with you and she said she'd also always wanted to try a threesome where everyone was into everyone else, so..." I looked at him. I'm sure the confusion was evident on my face. "How...what if she didn't like me? What were you going to do then?" I asked. He walked over to the couch and sat down, arms sprawling across the back. "Seriously? I wouldn't have suggested it to her if I didn't think she'd be into you. I know her type, and she saw some of the pictures of us from high school at my mom's house and thought you were cute then. How weird is it that you tackled her earlier in the day?" "I didn't tackle her. I just explosively said hello." I backtracked. Neither of us could keep a straight face at that.

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