6 - Here Comes The Sun's Parasitic Autopsy

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The first thought when I wake up is, 'where the hell am I?'

The decor is strange. This bed is bigger than mine. Why are the walls purple?

"Don't diss my walls, I find them pretty beautiful." Harry's voice cuts through my thoughts. He's seemed to appear out of no where. He's carrying a tray of numerous breakfast foods. "I, uhm, made you some food."

"You didn't have to." Is my automatic reply. It's such an easy reply and I'm so used to saying it when people do things for me, it's kind of like a tradition.

My parents always taught me not to take things for granted. They would say to be happy with what I have and don't rely on others to help. They would always say, "You're going to grow up to be an independent and strong man. You'll take care of the family the way you're supposed to. Try to do everything for yourself and your family, and don't let everyone hand you everything."

It's the only life motto I still live by that came from my parents. Not counting the 'strong man' part, of course. I don't like when people give me free things. Sure, it might be under their own free will, but I still don't like it.

Harry smiles lightly. "I wanted to, though. C'mon, we need to get to the studio soon."

"Why?" I sit up and stretch. I don't remember having to come in at all today, but I haven't checked my calendar in a few days so I might be wrong.

"The stylists are getting our costumes ready and they need to check if they fit." Oh, I forgot about that.

"Right," I reply. He makes his way over to me, setting the stray down on the night-stand next to the bed.

"You alright?" He asks. What? Do I look sick? "You sound like you're getting sick. Your voice is really deep."


I clear my throat the best I can. I've learned how to not talk with such a deep voice. I felt silly the first time I had done it, but now it seems natural. My voice sometimes reverts back to it's normal rasp in the mornings, though, and I sometimes have to take at least 10 minutes before I talk at all. I must have forgotten.

"I'm sorry," I apologize quickly.

"No, it's fine. I was just worried because you seemed out of it when I told you I made breakfast. I thought I kind of scared you a little and I just noticed your voice seeming quite deep." I almost sigh; I'm so stupid. I haven't woken up and had someone to talk to in nearly 5 years. "I like it, though. I like your normal voice." He quickly adds.

I think about it; should I correct him? I mean, it's not like it really matters. I'm never going to make this mistake again.

Instead of replying, I smile lightly and motion for him to sit down. He's automatic to do so, sitting just barely off my foot. I bring my legs out from under the duvet and wrap my arms around my knees. It's my normal stance when it comes to sitting in bed. My legs are ashy; I really should shave soon. Generally, I wait until the night before the show to shave, but I guess I can make an exception this one time.

Harry smiles a little and hands me a plate. It consists of eggs, bacon, sausage, miniature pancakes, and a small bowl of yogurt. He then sets a mug of tea down on the edge of the night-stand.

"You know, I would have been fine with eggo waffles." I mumble, glancing up at him. Harry shrugs and smiles sheepishly, picking up his own plate of food and starts eating. I sigh quietly; this is too much. I'm guessing Harry knows that as well, when he bites his lip. "Harry,"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were a light eater."

A laugh bubbles up out of my throat. "I'm not. It's just, you didn't have to do all this. You didn't have to go through all the trouble to make this. I mean, it must have taken ages to make all this."

Dancing With The Stars *Narry AU FanFic *Transgender!NiallWhere stories live. Discover now