1 - Nice To Meet You

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"How do you usually get ready for a new season?" A new dancer – Liam – runs up to me. I smile lightly; he's exactly how we all were when we first started.

I clear my throat, "It depends; have you already gotten a Star?"

"Of course, yeah! Her name is, uhm... let me check," He disappears, returning with a sheet of paper. "Amy Lee,"

"Gonna have to be more specific there, love,"

"All it says is 'Amy Lee, Evanescence'. What does that mean?"

"Oh, Amy Lee!"

"Have you heard of her? I know I sure as hell haven't,"

I chuckle, taking the paper and setting it on the table. "Yes, I have. She's the singer of the band called Evanescence. I'll have to show them to you one time,"

He sighs, "A singer? Is that good or bad?"

"Depends on who they are as a person. You're just gonna have to wait,"

"Ugh, I hate waiting." He picks the sheet of paper back up, scanning the names once more. "Hey, you're on here too!"

I laugh loudly, "I would hope so, considering I'm also a dancer. So, who's my Star?"

He trails his finger half way across the page. "Looks like we both have singers; Harry Styles."

I smile lightly, although I feel like fainting. I absolutely love Harry Styles, yet at the same time I hate him so much.

"Hey, I've got to go. I'll see you tomorrow!" Liam hands me the paper before taking off down the hall. I chuckle, shaking my head from side to side. He's so childish, but somehow he makes it cute.

After he's disappeared out the door, I let out a breath of air. It's always been hard with new dancers, because I don't know who they are as a person either. And taking what I've seen of Liam, he doesn't seem to have a filter.


"Are you sure you want to move to America, Niall? I mean, it's so far away; we'd never get to see you." My mother asks once again. I don't understand why she keeps asking; we're already at the airport.

"Yes, I want to dance," I pause. "And stop calling me Niall, please. That's not my name."

"Oh, honey, but it is your  name. And I'd prefer to call you by the name I gave you than the one you think you should be called."

I sigh, "This is another reason I want to leave; you don't accept my choice."

"We do accept your choice," My dad says loudly over the speaker that's just come on. A flight to Tokyo, Japan. "but, you're only 16! It might just be a phase."

"It's not a phase, dad." I turn to look at the board that holds all the flights. "I know who I am, even if no one agrees with me."


"I love her!" Liam exclaims.

"You love who?"

"My Star, she's so sweet! And, surprisingly, she's a good dancer." He's jumping up and down like a school girl with her friends after her crush brushed shoulders with her.

"I like my dancer, too. Demi Lovato – she's hot." Louis perks up.

I laugh, looking over at some other experienced dancers. "Am I the only one that hasn't met my Star yet?"

"Don't worry, babe, I haven't met mine either." Peta walks over and I sling my arm around her shoulder. "Zayn Malik – proper hottie." She fake swoons, fanning her face with her nails dramatically.

Dancing With The Stars *Narry AU FanFic *Transgender!NiallWhere stories live. Discover now