Chapter 3~Hiding behind a curtain of cherry blossoms

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Dedication to emmamalik174 cause shes amazingg and i love her to pieces

So, let's see if this chapter uploads succesfully -_- While you read this, open another tab and type in It's a website that has the sound effect of rain. It really puts the mood into the storyy! haha.


I was running. The cold, night air bit at my skin. Tree branches scratched my legs, and arms, leaving behind angry, red lines. Roots snagged at my bare feet, causing me to stumble, begging me to trip. I kept running though. I had a certain urgency surging through my body. I needed to get somewhere, and fast.

As if on cue, a light appeared off in the distance. The fatigue that had once filled my aching body fled, and I began to sprint faster. When my lungs could take the exertion no more, I had to stop to catch my breath. I panted, as my breaths came in quick, short gasps. I looked around at my surroundings. Nothing unusual...

Suddenly, a dark figure started to make it's way out of the shadows. It was coming right towards ME! I wanted to run away, but something intrigued me. I was glued to one spot. My legs felt like lead. The figure's face came into view.

"Muma?" I asked, shakily.

She didn't respond. She only stared off into the distance, as if she were looking through me, rather then at me.

"MUMA?" I tried again, louder this time.

I studied her appearance. Her scalp was bald, where her flowing hair was meant to be. She was dressed in a hospital gown, and her skin was pale, a light shade of yellow. Her hazel eyes, which were identical to mine had lost the twinkle that had, at one time, adorned them. Tears welled in my eyes as the realization hit me. She looked exactly as she did, right before the cancer took her away from me...

"Baby, don't cry, you're going to get through this. You are strong. I know you are." Muma's weak voice was barely audible, but hearing her speak still brought a smile to my face. Her tone was gentle, comforting.

"No I'm not! You know what Daddy does to me. I need you..."

Her body faded into a misty, skin colored, smoke.

The last words I heard before she disappeared completely were, "I love you, little mermaid."

"MUMA?! MUMA! COME BACK! I love you to..." I whispered the last part. She used my old nickname...Daddy AND Muma used to call me that because I had always beein in love with water. Even rain. I always would look forward to when it was pouring outside, but not thundering and lightning. Then, I could swim in my lake and stand waist deep as the rain trickled down. I had always loved that feeling. When the water enveloped me completely, but I could still breath. It's different when you're just swimming underwater. Then you can't stay there for hours at a time, just enjoying the feeling of secureness and safety that water would give me.

I fell down to my knees, and just let the tears I had tried blinking away, stream down. I hugged my legs to my chest, and just sat there. That is, until the scene changed...

This time, I was a toddler. My mum was singing my favorite lullaby to me, Safe and Sound, softly. I was tucked away in my blue duvet. My eyelids were beginning to grow heavy.

''Just close your eyes, the sun is going down." Muma sang as she brushed the stray hairs off of my tiny forehead. I heard rain falling down outside. Sleep was just about to take me when I heard a loud, but cheery voice.

"Hey! Were you going to go to sleep without saying goodnight to your Daddy?" My father walked in. He wasn't drunk. He was...happy. I haven't seen him like that in awhile.

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