Chapter 4~What didn't kill me never made me stronger

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Aye darlings! New chapter, sorry for the wait, blah blah blah, enjoy! Picture to the side is what I imagine Lyla to look like.

Dedication to dirty styles because she made me a flawless new cover<3


I rummaged through our tiny kitchen, looking for something to cook. Daddy still wasn't awake. I wasn't sure to be grateful for that, or frustrated. I had to be at work in an hour, and I still had to make him breakfast, get ready, and walk the 15 minute way to Nando's.

My body was still sore from the previous night's beating. My ribs screamed out every time I turned. Bruises were forming on my cheekbones. I was sure that cuts were trailing their way along my stomach, where his boots had made contact.

I turned on the burner to the stove, and placed a frying pan on it. I sprayed it with non stick spray, and began to fry the last two eggs that were left in our fridge. I guess I won't be eating breakfast today.

Suddenly, a loud thump sounded from in Daddy's room. I rushed to finish his meal. I placed the eggs and toast on the island in the kitchen, along with some Advil, and black coffee. I ran up to my room, and threw on my uniform. I found the heavy foundation and concealer under the sink in my bathroom. I made sure to cover up any visible evidence that my father had marked me with. I stroked my eyelashes with a mascara brush a few times before rushing back downstairs.

I only allowed my breathing to become regular once I was out of that house. Placing one foot in front of the other, I let my thoughts take over my mind as I began to walk to the shit hole I worked at.


The air condition prickled my skin when I walked into Nando's.

"You're late again Lyla!" My boss, Jim's angry voice rang in my ears. Does everyone have to yell at me?

"I woke up late." I murmured, lying through my teeth.

"It had better not happen again! This is the third time this week Lyla! Come on!" Jim sounded exasperated.

I clocked in, and tied my apron around my waist. Grabbing the little notebook that all waitresses carried around, I walked over to the first table I saw that had customers waiting to order at.

"Hello! My name's Lyla, and I'll be your waitress today! Can I start you off with something to drink?" I plastered a fake smile across my face.

"Hi, yes, I'll have a diet Pepsi." The man, said.

"Sweetie, what do you want to drink?" The man, I'm guessing, asked his daughter.

"I don't know." The little girl mumbled, looking down. Aww, she's shy.

"Mia, do you want chocolate milk?" She nodded.

"Alrighty then! I'll be right back." I rushed back to the kitchen, grabbed the drinks, and walked back to the same table.

"Have you decided what you want to eat?" I chirped.

"She'll have a grilled cheese, and I'll have the peri peri chicken." The man said, smiling.

"No problem!" I hurried back to give the chef the customer's orders.


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