Rainbow Warriors of Light Unite!

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Guilt be gone! Never return to this sacred temple of sound and action. Never has it served to fashion something greater than that from which it was beget. Let go the slow twist and grip that others have insisted upon you. The few who knew this turn of time regarded their paralysis as an insistent blurb about all of humanity and nothing more. Banish the brainwashed programs from your bedlam of thoughts. For they brought no more clarity than a poopy diaper smeared across a clear surface by the windshield wipers of life. Can you till the garden of dreams so that some great fruit might be produced? Ah, produce: my favorite isle of the market, fresh and ripe with juicy goodness. Do you see how this is so much different than the bags of chips that we are tricked into eating?

A single pervasive thought can penetrate even the deepest recesses of the mind so that we may find the truth about who we are and how far we are willing to go to show that we know what we know. It depends on the style of radical reverberation that each interpretation begs to be heard. The word, then, is like a bird flying to and fro with no real place to go accept up into the ethers of our spacious system of progressive resistance to the powers that be. We are free as long as we intend to be and use this knowledge to educate with glee the masses who pass us by with no hello, no hi, not even a bat of the eye. Continue to pry until someday they too cry out and shout I am freeeeee!

We are the Rainbow Warriors of Light! In spite of our time, we can fight for love, peace, and the ability to climb to the highest of heights for all of humanity, so that we may usher in a new era of communion with self, spirit, and the beautiful beings that inhabit this wonderful dream of insanity!  No worry or strife to be had. Just be glad, because although the world is mad with selfish dispositions, our position is one of a clearer view, seen by the few and spread to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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