Chapter 4

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"Bro, you good?"

Satan blinks the sleep from his eyes at the feeling of a pencil tapping against his shoulder, groggily turning to face the owner of the voice that tore him from his precious slumber.

"...bwha?" is the educated response Satan can come up with in his sleep-addled mind.

Solomon snorts.

"Dude, this is the third time you've fallen asleep in class this week." The white-haired athlete grins. "Keep this up and I'm gonna score better than you on tomorrow's test."

"We have a..."

Satan groans inwardly. He has a test tomorrow? The blonde blinks up at the board. It takes a second for his vision to clear, but then it registers that he's in math class, and everything else falls into place. A quick scan over the whiteboard confirms that Satan didn't miss anything important, that the chapter the teacher is covering is something Satan taught himself roughly two years back, but the boy still groans to himself in frustration. He doesn't like to sleep through class. Ever.

"Thanks for waking me up," Satan mumbles to his friend when he glances at the clock. It seems that Solomon let him doze for nearly the entire period, opting to wake him up a mere minute before the bell should ring.

"No problem. But seriously, I've never seen you slack this hard. You good?"

"I'm fine. I'm just tired because..." Satan trails off, hesitant to confess that the reason he's so exhausted is because of you. No doubt, Solomon would read way too deeply into that—nope, wait, it looks like Solomon figured it out on his own from the shit-eating grin he's now sporting.

"Ah, your future girlfriend, is it?" Solomon leans back in his chair, grinning. "The love life is rough, buddy. Make sure you're using protection at night, though."

Satan has never been more relieved to hear a bell ring.

"Would you lower your voice?" He growls when a couple of kids passing by give him weird looks. Satan glares hard at Solomon, but the latter gives a grand total of zero (0) shits.

"Sorry," Solomon says in a voice that makes it all too clear that he's not sorry.

Satan has never hated his schedule more than in the next moment when he realizes that Solomon is in his next class and that they can't split ways. Worse yet, it's Physical Education—the stupidest course of all time because all it consists of is kids walking in circles for an entire hour and being "encouraged" to run. And somehow, to top it off, Satan always ends up walking with Solomon.

"We're not together," Satan grunts to his friend when they're outside doing laps around the track. "It's just that it's fucking hard to balance club duties, her volleyball schedule, and my own studies."

"I totally get it," Solomon blurts. "But you've gotta get used to it, bro. Imagine how much harder it's gonna be to when the two of you start dating! You'll have to take her out on dates, and—fuck—have you ever been to one of her games? She has crazy stamina, man. The two of you'll be at it all night."

Satan thinks back to freshman orientation, wondering why, of all the places to sit, he chose the seat next to the most annoying person in the entire academy.

"Solomon, can you shut the fuck up?"

Solomon, unsurprisingly, does not shut the fuck up.

With enough difficulty, Satan does finally manage to steer the topic away from Solomon's matchmaking attempts and towards more normal topics. Namely, Satan's matchmaking attempts. Of course, just as Satan places no weight on Solomon's opinions on his love life, Solomon completely ignores Satan's advice to stop beating around the bush and just ask Asmo out, the athlete having the nerve to say "I'll ask Asmo out when you ask our volleyball captain out"—as if you and Satan have a remotely similar history to Asmo and Solomon, who, as now known by the entire campus, are both desperately pining for each other but are too dumb to see it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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