Chapter 2

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Satan expected you to be bad.

But even he couldn't have predicted that you would be this bad.

"You don't know what logarithms are," He repeats, each word coming out slower than the last. He's silently hoping that if he says the words slow enough, then maybe they'll be wrong. Maybe his life won't instantly be ten times more difficult. Maybe he won't need to spend hours teaching you math you should have learned last year.

"Nope!" You respond with a bright smile, utterly unaware of the stress you're adding onto the blonde's shoulders. "My teacher was also saying a bunch of stuff about negative exponents that I didn't understand, so there's that."

Satan doesn't bother hiding how his forehead drops against the desk, a resounding thump echoing throughout your small dorm room.

"Okay," He mumbles, standing up. "I'm going to go to my room to get a different textbook for you. You are not going to leave, is that clear?" He frowns at you, making his stare intense enough to make a normal person flinch, though you don't even seem to realize he's glaring. "Is that clear?" He repeats, practically spitting that last word.

"Yeah, yeah," You mumble, spinning a pencil between your fingers. "No leaving. Wait till you're back. I got it, captain."

Satan is wholly reluctant to leave you alone, too familiar with your procrastinating instincts to trust that you'll be able to keep your fingers off the volleyball that's sitting neglected in the corner of your bed (and he knows from past experience that as soon as you get your fingers on that ball, he won't be able to get your attention back for half an hour), but he needs to get this algebra book, so he departs from your room with a final warning glare, eyes narrowed.

I'll just have to make this quick, he decides as he swiftly enters his own quarters.

Finding the book he's looking for is easy enough, though it takes him a moment to dislodge the thick ALGEBRA II textbook from underneath all his other workbooks. After all, he hasn't touched this long has it been? Two years? Three?

A faint smile ghosts over Satan's lips as he opens the textbook and sees his name scribbled on the inside next to a threatening message to return it, should anyone find it.

Four years, he realizes when his eyes skirt over the date. Well, maybe it'll be fun to review this material.

He walks back into your room with a lighter heart, book tucked comfortably underneath the crook of his elbow. For a moment, he thinks that this might not be so bad. The material is so simple that you'll have no choice but to grasp it quickly; he just needs to put the book in front of you, and...oh.

You're no longer in your room.

"Why am I not surprised?" Satan mumbles to himself, throwing the book onto your bed as he storms down the hall.

Where could you have gone in the two minutes Satan left you alone? Across campus, to one of the student gyms? That's where you've usually gone off to, in all the other instances where you've mysteriously disappeared. Or maybe you went to the athletic center, the one right next to this dorm. That would make more sense, Satan thinks. He'll check both. And if you're not in either of those places, then he'll call one of your friends, and—

"Oh hey, Satan!"

The boy whips his head around at the sound of your voice with the viciousness of a wild animal.

"Say, can you help me with this vending machine? I keep trying to put my quarter in, but it won't—hey! Let go!" You struggle in Satan's grip but you don't fight it, letting the blonde drag you back to your room. "I just wanted some gummy worms!"

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