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"Its still too early just think about it clearly Ella" this is what I'm afraid of, we have this rules that if she likes the person I present to her, she can decide how and when I will marry that person.

I can't back down because we have a contract the same with her that is way she migrated to states to avoid me, planning her marriage.

Well... I don't mind though at least it is lili, but I mean its too early.

"Nuh, uh Jennie Kim remember our contract get ready your getting married next week, welp goodbye folks I need my beauty sleep...oh by the way, Lisa stop working Jennie's gonna support you she's the man in the relationship." Ella said while standing up, kissing Lisa's cheeks and patting my back.

"Umm, is it okay with you lili? I mean we are getting married after all" I said to her worried.

"Its okay the sooner the better, babies here I come!" she said while standing up running the exit door going to my car.

"I'm surrounded by crazy people" I whispered to myself but I'm getting married to my lili, I did my victory dance while paying for the bill.

The waiters looked at me like I'm crazy I wink at them they started to blush, pft they are easy not like my lili, I got out of the restaurant happily.

I opened the company's group chat and texted.
              KIMS CUMPANY GC

Mandu'That'I'Like'To'Eat:  I'm in a good mood today tomorrow I will treat you and I will have a surprise tomorrow.

Rosé'sWallet: What happened to my cousin? Still free food I don't have to pay anymore, I'm getting broke.

MyCocomelonIsBig: Don't worry Ms. Kim me and my 6 kids will be their.

JisooMoneyIspend: YEY!!

Wendy'sIsGoodRestaurant: #IrenesTits

IrenesTits: Yeah-yeah, me and Irene will be there, my wife still sleeping quiet down will you.

SATANspawn: You can just mute stupid bear.

IrenesTits: You want to fight Yeri? Come here I'll beat you up.

Mandu'That'I'Like'To'Eat: Okay thats enough!

Mandu'That'I'Like'To'Eat, LEFT

I smiled and followed lili, I got into the car. "Nini?" She called me and I look at her.

"Yes, lili? What is it?"

"If the two of us are already married, I want a house. A small house not like your present house, perfect for our babies and the two of us" she said smiling while staring straight to my eyes.

"Of course lili anything for you" I said to her pinching her cheeks.

She giggled and climb unto my lap, "eh lili but I'm gonna driv- never mind" I positioned her properly so that she will not get cramps from the wrong position.

She put her head on the crook of my neck, I felt her smile. I feel delighted, I started the car and drove to our house.

When we arrive she is already sleeping so a carried her as always. I put her down on the bed gently, I stared at her.

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