poggers uber

32 4 1



Sava Shava cara waaa Sara wara oop scoop ool lool cool chool boom


The sun had exploded 34 times ever since we left riding into the sunset, I think it might have been a bad idea since we got 69th degree burns. Soo also since we left off I got attempted murder, twice. You can decided whether I attempted murder or someone attempted murder on me. Either way I'm not going to jail.

We're at the outdoor movie theater that was inside and I just happened to have had a baby inside a hammock. Don't ask questions, you dontwannaknow, I've learned my lesson...... forgot the lyrics.

ANYWHOO the outdoor movie theater that was inside was actually outside the inside which was inside- the outside.

WOAH OMG!!!!!! Abraham Lincoln's fish was back and that was very pog. Bun was on my eye scar and todoroki hit me up so I have another eye scar. But then also sangwoos cousin is actually married to no one in particular but she's not actually sangwoos cousin, but she's also sangwoos cousin if you're confused. I'm pretty good at explaining this stuff, OMG!!!!!!! The fish got slobber everywhere and now the slobber is starting to look kind of weird... it looks like a weeb, or a dinosaur. They're kind of the same.

The toilet clogger, muffin exploder, sangwoos ashes of a person was sitting on the car which was repaired with my saliva which I don't have. Y/N was on the ground and she was crying, it seems to be her favorite pastime. OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THE SLOBBER!!! It's not impressive really, I could do better.

Huh, the slobber is now a person. Anyway Nicole was crying in the corner of the inside theater that was outside and she was listening to 'you broke me first' but if I remember correctly, that should be me not her. The oven dinged and I walked over to it and cooked the fish along with some uh oh stinky and ancient vines that are cleaner than your grandmas kitchen along with some vegetables and some bts members eyebrows.

The baby that I gave birth to WASNT alive anymore so I had baked it in the oven along with the other ingredients to my perfect recipe. So sad that he had to go so soon, I had started a petition to put him down as soon as he was born, that's why everyone will bully him saying that he was dropped on the head as a baby.

Now I'm currently in the oven because I had misplaced my arms along the lines of texas and 47 degrees Fahrenheit. The couch was too comfortable in here so I was having my sleep parasol who was holding my paralysis demon. God fucking dammit Kyle. That's his name but he should really step it the fuck up. He's so toxic, I hate my sleep parasol, but he's got an amazing personality. Sleep parasol will go to heaven.

Suddenly the bathroom exploded and I wasn't cooked anymore and I got yelled at y Y/N for not comforting the bitch. The bitch walked away away away away and Y/N told me to run to the middle of the day and hide in a ditch. So that's exactly what I did.

Slobber walked over to me and said that I was ugly. I said they were lying, they slapped my ass and cried their eyes out. I handed them their eyes back because the eyes were in the way of my sweet Porsche. I ran over Y/N, and called an Uber since she was everywhere.

After she reawakened we all got into the Uber, including, Y/N, Nicole, the Bun, sangwoos cousin, and the toilet clogger, muffin exploder, sangwoos ashes of a person, and slobber. Don't forget Abraham Lincoln's goldfish.

I seem to have collected many people on my journey. What journey? I have no idea, but it's a journey alright.

OMG!!!!! ITS THE BARBIE THAT SMACKED MY ASS WHOS THE UBER DRIVER...... I THINK IM BEING STALKED....... But who wouldn't want to stalk a celebrity like me?

Slobber is sitting next to me watching an anime, I smacked her phone onto the bowl that was outside in the car that was inside that was floating in a pool that couldn't swim so it was drowning.

It boomeranged back and smacked Y/N in the head. I guess she'll die again teehee.

Slobber is so mad at me because they're missing some of their anime show but I knew she wouldn't miss much because she was watching Creative Galaxy, and you may be thinking, that's not an anime, but who said that it was an anime to begin with?

Not me that's for sure.

Slobber started to kick the barbie. But I wasn't mad because I hated that damn Barbie, I thought I killed her along with that tree and squirrel. Hmmmmm, what should we do now?

Suddenly we weren't in the Uber we were now in a limo and I was having my period. And Y/N, Nicole, the Bun, sangwoos cousin, and the toilet clogger, muffin exploder, sangwoos ashes of a person, and slobber, Abraham Lincoln's goldfish, the darned Barbie were all saying 'Ooh yuh periodt sis' and I was like ooh yuh I'm in my periodt sis, but the thing is I was in a YET ONSIE.......... how was I supposed to know where McDonald's is now, 'but I think that they've been roasted by Wendy's enough' I think as we drive past a burning McDonald's. 

Let's go to 5 gays instead I fart, "OMG SEND FEET PICS" I yell as I fly out the window. Everyone is crying except slobber who was laughing.

I bet they were laughing at me because they didn't have much screen time in this chapter....

Slobber was: ADinoWeebo (sorry you didn't get much time bromie)

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