IV. Hold Your Breath

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April 4 th , 2004

She stops by his office, and she smells of cinnamon again (goddammit). He resists the urge to breathe in deeply as she knocks on the door frame.

She's wearing a sundress with a suit jacket and flats, an ensemble that does not reek of professionalism but is not quite casual, either. The dress nudges and points at her better curves but hides away her lesser ones, if she has any. It is probably just his imagination, but embarrassment and—shame? creep up his back, as he thinks he is salivating.


An acknowledgement. The first.

"Malfoy." Her voice is even and emotionless, but it's more than he expected. At least she hasn't insulted him yet. "I'm sorry if this is awkward, but I've been looking everywhere for a certain memo... It's gone and hid itself, I don't think I placed the charm on it right and it's got some really important figures on it that need to get to Kingsley—erm, I mean, Minister Shacklebolt, so if you could just check about, perhaps look under your desk—"

"No memo here." He cuts her off, slightly amused. He doesn't think she realises she was babbling, and it's sort of funny, how she can appear so serious, yet speak so ridiculously. "I've been here all morning, and none have flown in."

"Oh. Okay. Thanks anyway," she says, turning around.

It takes him a full minute to realise he'd been holding his breath, and when he does breathe again, the air tastes like cinnamon.

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