- Some day when my crying is done,
I put on a smile and walk go on.****
- I don't hate you, I just lost respect for you.****
- Lebe ! Liebe ! Lache !
Wenn das nicht hilft:
Lade ! Ziele ! Schieße !****
- Before you judge me, make sure that you're fucking perfect !****
- If you got a problem with me, tell me. Not everyone else.****
- Be afraid of the calmest person in the room.****
- Slow success builds character, fast success builds ego.****
- Being alone is a power very few can handle.****
- If your life just got harder, Congratulations. You just leveled up.****
- Oh, sweetie, monsters are real and they look like people !**********************
Sprüche zum Nachdenken
Random>>It's the beginning of something great, I guess<< -Eigentlich heißt es ja man hätte nicht alle Tassen im Schrank. Aber ich habe nachgeschaut: alle da. Was mir fehlt sind Socken, Leute SOCKEN !- •One day the people who didn't believe you will everyb...