Due to Mirror Sites copying our work posted on Wattpad, I request you to please read these posts and act on the issue as you see fit. This affects us all, readers & writers, along with the integrity of Wattpad as our chosen platform to share our wor...
Mirror sites were bad enough, then came the apps which are available on both Google Play & Apple App Store.
Here are screenshots to prove I am NOT exaggerating.
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The second is Novel Bee, which is far more popular. It have 50% 5 stars reviews and roughly the same one or two stars. The reviews mention Wattpad repeatedly.
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Writers works to get one removed, many pop up. Mirror sites are like a bad rash that's infected Wattpad. :/
Do negative reviews help? I don't know but I do appreciate the number of people who did so for NovelBee.
Can one get rid of mirror sites completely? Maybe, but that's up to Wattpad.
At times, it's easier to walk away from a fight, which in my case is tragic, coz' I've always appreciated the opportunities Wattpad offered in form of the readers, the reviews, the critics, and the feedback.
Writing is a lonely job, and for me a slow steady process.
In four years on Wattpad, I faired 400 poems and posted them, along with thirty short stories, finished a novella, and wrote 1 stand alone novel, 2.5 books of one series, and 1.5 book of a duloagy.
End of the day, it feels like saying goodbye to favourite place where I made friends, grew as a write, and learned so much, had a lot of fun, but all good things come to an end.
I have no doubt, Wattpad will continue to grow and thrive, and the loss is mine, but often safeguarding oneself comes at a cost.