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Name: Krystal Nacht

Alias/Nickname: Robella Piers, Bella, Bellie, Persona of Violence, Fem!Bob, Casper, Vengeful Bella

Age: late teens

Gender: Female

Species: half demon/ghost

Hair color: dirty blonde

Eye color: was brown but turned a dark yellowish green with black eyeball and can become red

Powers/abilities/styles/gifts: possession, move objects, soul withdrawl, teleportation, go through walls, intangibilty, invisiblity, super strength

Weapons: None

Involved in: Seeress, RP

Personality: quick tempered, selfish, lazy, cocky, badass, loyal, prickly

Family: Ricky- brother, Myles- half brother, Max- half brother, Morgan- half brother, Harriet- half sister

Partner: Chris

Likes: video games, horror movies, blood, gore, torture, rituals, thrillers, cults, teasing and messing with Chris, pranks

Dislikes: crappy movies, lame video games, lovey dovey stuff, Harriet

Sayings: None

Extra: straight

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