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Name: Luria Deberous

Alias/Nickname: Asshat, Persona of Annoyace, Ria, Fem!Lurik

Age: 21

Gender: female

Species: Conduit

Hair color: black on upper head and silver/white lower head

Eye color: right-green left-blue

Powers/abilites/styles/gifts: smoke manipulation, enhanced strength, particle charge manipulation, enhance stamina, enhanced durability, healing, shadow maipulation, power absorb, pyrokinesis

Weapon: none

Personality: badass, dredevilish, cocky, stotic, aloof, rebellious

Family: none

Partner: none

Likes: insects, flesh, cigarettes, alcohol, snakes, cliff diving, taking long naps, thrillers, shopping

Dislikes: people with crazy hormones, romance novels and movies, being touched

Saying: Why dontcha take a damn picture? It'll last longer than my fist in ya face.

Extra: asexual

Involved in: RP

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