Archie's P.O.V

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Archie's P.O.V
Since Archie's P.O.V isn't really long I combined two chaps together.

I came to know about Sophia's party from Tristan. Firstly I thought that I should call mason and tell him everything about it, but then I realised that, he had decided not to talk to me, he thought I was being selfish I was just trying to save our a$$es. Then I realised that Zoe would also be there, and after what had been happening I really wanted to make it up to her and maybe apologise so when life gives you lemon you shouldn't squeeze them in people's eyes instead make lemonade.

After being the person who holds a record of committing mistakes after mistakes, I knew I had to apologise.
Finding Sophia's house wasn't much of a deal, and of course I wasn't going alone.
I rang the bell. And Sophia opened she didn't welcome me with open arms, I don't expect that anyways. Instead I saw many frowns as a re action on my entrance, and one of the biggest frown was Zoe's.

"Ok guys no one invited you, so you may take your leave",Was the sweetest Sophia could have been towards me.
Erica threatened to call the cops which didn't scare me anyways, a high schooler sneaking into an uninvited party what a huge issue, bullsh*t police has better job to do.
"No one is calling any police. You guys can seriously have a party when there is a funeral in few days, that's rude what if mason knows about it?",I threatened back.
"Archie first of all what happened to Alice was sad and no body should go through what mason went through. This is not even a party. It was just meant to be a small get together thing. Only inner circle,until you came with the whole school, we are not celebrating her death here. And we didn't even know who she was before that and if you still think what we did was wrong, then stop thinking",Zoe said. And just awkwardly left.
Sophia gave me an "I-will-Kill-you" look But I couldn't care less.

My eyes searched for Zoe, but she was no where to be seen.
I got a glass of wine for myself. And a frooti for Zoe. After looking all over the house I moved towards the front yard,where it was calm and cold,Zoe was there, She was going through her bag pack.
I walked towards her, she probably noticed me but chose to ignore. I also stood there silent

After a while I spoke, as it seemed like even if I would stand there for years she wouldn't open her mouth.
"You-want?",I offered her the frooti, she didn't reply. I repeated myself.
"Do you want me to drink again? ",she asked me not so sweetly, ok I deserved it.
"No it's no alcohol, not even soda. It's frooti lol that mango juice thing",I explained. She was still silent just looking at me.
"No, don't worry I didn't drug it or anything",I added before she would reject it. She accepted it. I was delighted when she accepted it but I didn't show it.
Again silence surrounded us. With each breathe It was getting more awkward.
"I - I'm sorry??",I have never been good at apologising, she was again silent.
"Ok see the thing is I am really bad I understanding silence. So that silence of yours, was it? Ok I forgive you or was it I need more attention",I asked, I speculated I was annoying her. But I didn't know how to make it up to her
"About which thing exactly?",She asked with no sign of tenderness is her voice.
"What do you mean?",I Asked
"You are sorry about what?",
" I don't know everything?",I had no idea where was this going.
" let me guess, for the part where I was drunk and I kissed you, that too of course I had no motive of doing so... but that was whole my fault why are you being sorry. Or wait is this one for calling me a whore? No was it slut? Never mind same thing , but that was again my fault my mistake that I was drunk and had lost my mind and shouldn't I be the one who should be sorry I slapped you right?", I had no idea what she expected me to do. But before I could ask her Erica called her. Wow, May Erica's phone's battery go off when she is making the most important call of her life. At that moment I was so done with Erica's wrong timing. I couldn't afford leaving this conversation at half.
"Zoe, come in we are cutting the cake",she again shouted
"Yes coming",Zoe said, I didn't know what to do at that point. I just knew I couldn't let her go at least not before she tells me if she has forgiven me yet or not.
"Don't go",I said as I grabbed a hold of her hand.
"Archie leave me",She said, i just wanted her to forgive me.
"I am telling you I m sorry",I just blindly repeated, when I realised I didn't even care about what she wanted and just wanted her to forgive me.
"Fu*king let go of me your are hurting me",I screamed
"Fine, I- m sorry", I had to leave her alone as soon as possible.

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