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"Hi what are you doing?",I asked.
"Nothing",She said trying to balance her body coming to close to me.
"What's on your mind huh?"
She didn't reply but just laughed.
She then later attempted on kissing me which I didn't deny because she was asking for it.

- - - - - - - - -

"She is no where to be seen",Said Archie as he came running towards sophia.

"Not even this side",Said Robert coming From the left.
"Urghh where do we find her",

"Where is Erica Anyways",Archie Asked
"She was meant to be be with Steve I guess", said Sophia
"Then where is goddamn Steve?",Archie Asked
"With Erica",Said Robert.
"Robert when will you stop being dumb ASF",Said Archie irritatedly.
"Let's at least try finding Erica and Steve",Sophia suggested.

"Guys",Robert called
"They look quite high",Said Robert pointing towards two people kissing which were none other than Erica and Steve.

Sophia coughed so that Steve and Erica notice they were standing there but they both were too busy kissing to notice anyone's presence around them.
She coughed once again louder this time but again there was no response.
Archie lost his patience and shrieked

"You two fu*k*ng love bird leave each other already we have a problem here.
And that's when they bothered looking towards them.

"What are these Smurf's doing here?",Erica Asked.
"Did she just call us-",Robert paused.
"Never mind",

"What do you people want?",Asked Steve.
"Zoe is not here now get lost",Steve said as he was again about to kiss Erica
"Stop",Said sophia.

"What now?",Asked Erica with an eye roll.
"Zoe, She is drunk, and she is nowhere to be seen",Sophia shrieked.
"And this is Justin's party",Erica said realising the seriousness of the situation.
"And Justin-"


"Justin whom were you making out with",Asked Erica with her arms folded around her chest.
"How is it any of your business",He slurred.
"How is this any of my business, I am your fu*k**g girlfriend you can't make out with anyone",she said as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Okay? Listen chill I was just having fun ok? It happens",He managed trying to keep himself awake.
"You can't make out with anyone",She Screamed
"Don't tell me what to do",He Screamed back
"How could you - you disgust me",She said as she wiped off her tear
"Omg shut up don't act as if you are innocent",he said
"I didn't do a thing",she said
"Stopppp",He said trying to balance himself.
"No tell me what did I do?",Asked Erica as she pushed him.
"Oh then why is your lipstick smudged huh?",He asked as he tightly held her chin.
"I don't know I had been drinking I was dancing it just might have faded",She exclaimed.
"Don't lie you were making out with him weren't you?",He said as he held her chin tighter.
"Justin stop it's hurting",
"So don't tell me with whom to make out I was never serious about you and if you were serious about us it's your mistake understand?",He said aggressively.
As he moved ahead to kiss her.

"Justin stop",
"I said stop",
But Justin seemed too high to listen to her.
She pushed him away grabber her hand bag and left.
"You are a f*ck**g perv*rt",She shrieked.
"And you are a piece of sh*t I don't think any guy would ever be interested in you you should consider yourself lucky to have me",he said with a giggle.
"F*ck you Justin",
"I know you want to but I am kind of out of your league so get lost",
"I was anyways leaving",Said Erica as she showed him her middle finger.
"Don't you want to know who was I making out with? She was none other than your fried sophia",

"This- this is not good we need to find Justin",Erica said.
"Okay Wait What I don't get it why are we finding Justin shouldn't we be finding Zoe?",Archie Asked.
"I also don't understand",Said Robert.
"Girls why find Justin?",Asked Steve.
"Can't you guys for once just follow and not ask",Said sophia.
"Okay fine".
They planned to divide themselves into three groups Erica and Steve together Robert and sophia together and Archie went looking for him alone.
Approximately after 5 minutes everyone met back.

"Anyone found him?"Asked Erica.
"No",Said sophia.
Erica looked towards Archie seeking an answer.
"Me neither",Said Archie

"Wait did you guys check upstairs?",Erica Asked.
"Are there room upstairs also?",Steve Asked.
"Yes idiot",
"No I don't think no one checked up",Said Robert.
"So let's go see up",Sophia said impatiently.

They started going up as the music started disobeying and volume gradually decreased.

There were two rooms opposite to each other.
They opened the left door and there they were.
Zoe and Justin kissing widely.

"this motherf*c***",Said archie under his breathe as he entered inside.
Justin realises that someone other than those two were also inside.
"Dude what are you-",Archie pinched his nose before he could complete the sentence.

"What the hell are you up to",Asked Archie
Meanwhile sophia and Erica rushes towards Zoe who was still high.
"Dude what the hell",Said Justin as he realised his nose was bleeding.

"She asked for it",He added
"She was drunk you jerk",Said Archie as he again punched him.
"Dude stop okay you have no rights to enter my house and beat the shit out of me",
"And you have no rights to touch my girl",Said Archie.
"Your girl? Ohh since when all that you ever wanted was revenge right and she came to me",He said as he stood up.
He pushed Archie.
Robert and Steve came forward to attack Justin but Archie stopped them.

"Cmon is that all power you have?",Asked Archie.
And this time Justin hit Archie even harder which made Archie bleed.
Archie was just about the hit him when something unbelievable happened.

The music which was distorted stopped. And people form downstairs started talking amongst themselves complaining about the stopped music.something  surely had happened.

Everyone rushed downstairs as the atmosphere down was now quite and not the party vibes somewhere disappear.
Everyone was trying to figure out what happened and that's when a loud scream come form the other side.

"Where the helll is archie",
No one knew who he was until he made his way through the crowd and cane ahead
And he was Mason.

"Mason dude I thought you won't show up where the hell have you been these days",Said Archie As he was about to hug him.
But mason was in no mood.
"Archie my sister just met with an accident turns out the threat calls were true she is in the ICU and if anything happens to her then you will be dead meat Archie I swear to god",

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Hope you guys liked the chap
Will update yall soon

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