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It was Saturday morning when Sophia,Zoe And Erica they all were sitting in a cafe. Zoe was teaching Erica math problems but Erica seemed least interested

"This is the Fifth time I am explaining you the same sum ,Concentrate", Shrieked Zoe

" I don't want to do this math",Said Erica with A grumpy face

"You need to do it ",Said Zoe as she raised one of her Eyebrow

"Zoe please spare that little child let her live freely let her enjoy do not burden her with math",Said Sophia

"Ye, Sophia is right. Please Zoe" Erica Said Zoe as she looked toward Zoe with her puppy face

"Okay fine only ten minutes",Said Zoe after she finally agreed to Erica and Sophia

"Ye okay",Said Erica

"Okay let's play truth and dare for these these 10 minutes",suggested Sophia

"I am ready",Said Erica eagerly

"How about you Zoe?",asked Sophia

"No I have got articles to read",Said Zoe

"Boring ",Said Sophia

When they were talking Archie and Steve both of them entered the cafe.As they entered in there every girl in the cafe laid her eyes on Them Including Erica and Sophia But Zoe on the other hand for reading some boring article on her phone

"That guy is so handsome",Said Erica pointing towards Archie

"Yes he indeed is",Said Sophia as she was slurping her coffee

"Don't make that slurping sound it's embarrassing ", Said Erica

"Okay sorry",Said Sophia but she continued to slurp even louder

"You are unbelievable",Said Erica as she facepalmed

"Anyways now it's my turn to you A dare",Said Sophia

"Ok give me anything I am daring person",Said Erica patting her own back

"Ok go and get number of that guy ",She said pointing towards Archie

"Easy peasy,after all I am the most popular girl in the school",She said twirling her hairs

"Okay then let's see",Said Sophia

Erica moves towards Steve and Archie she sat at the chair next to them. When Archie did not even care to notice but Steve saw noticed her.

"Hey boys",Said Erica

"Hi"Said Steve

"Hey,you boy",She said to Kartik moving her hands in front of his face

"What?",Asked Archie being irritated

"Actually Listen I would come straight to the point,Can I get your number"She asked

"NO",Said Archie without giving a second though. Continued looking at his phone

"Hey ,no need to be so rude it was just a dare or else I am not interested in you",Said Erica Annoyingly as she stood up

"If you want you can get my number",Archie smirked

"No need",She said as she left that table

"LOL he did not even pay attention towards you",Said Sophia making fun of Erica

"Shut up anyways he is not my type",Said Erica not wanting to be insulted

"Okay Okay"She said as she still continued laughing

"Whatever"Erica Said


"Ok now let us be back to math"I said as she kept my phone aside

Sophia was still laughing

"Why are you laughing Sophia?",I asked

"You don't know anything you were so lost into your article",Said Sophia

"Yes but what happened?",I again asked

"Nothing",Said Erica

"Okay anyways let's get back to Math"I Said

"Fine",Said Erica with A frown

"Hey Zoe look at that boy"She said pointing towards Archie

I looked towards him and my heart skipped a beat. I was mesmerised I couldn't stop staring at him when my brain gave me a signal that I have got dreams and goal and so I don't want to fall in love when again My heart said falling in love won't be that bad.My heart and brain where fighting when my thoughts were disturbed as Erica asked

"Do you like him?"Asked Erica

"No of course not",A part of me agreed with what a Said while a part of me did not

"Really?",Asked Sophia

"Can we study",I asked Erica to change the topic

"Okay fine"Said Erica rolling her eyes

"So over here 2 is denoted by letter A and 4 is denoted by letter B and since the square of 2 is 4 and square of 4 is 16 so 16+4 gives us 20 and here 20 is showed as so by adding it you get 29 that's how you got the answer Understood",I asked

"Wait I thought maths was all about numbers from where do letters come",Asked Sophia being confused

"I did not understand A thing" Said Erica

"No not again "I said



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