The Attic

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One day, my family received a phone call from the police. They said they were very sorry to inform them, but their son had been shot and killed in a nigh club.

My mom hesitated. “Our son is 4 years old. Do you have the right number?” The police man paused and said they were looking for the ‘Jones’ (name changed for their privacy) family. My mom let the man know that they had moved to Florida and gave them the family's new contact information.

First of all, how odd is it to know the news of someone's death before their own parents?

Anyway, the son, who we will call Larry for privacy reasons, was in his 20s and had been murdered in Florida , but he spent most of his life in the room that I had taken once my family moved into the home. There was a muddy foot print of his still in the carpet.

I don't remember exactly when things started to happen, but one night, I saw a series of flashing lights in the corner of my room and heard a loud SSHHHHHH sound, almost like sir rushing through a burst pipe or something. I remember jumping up in bed and just thinking “what the…”. I was 14 at the time so I didn't really buy into the whole ‘ghost’ bit. I stared at the corner of the room, and surely enough, I heard the same sound and saw a flicker of light.

I ran to my parents room and told my mom there was some kind of animal or something in my room. She basically rolled my eyes and told me to get over it. I went back into my room and laid in bed. Once I heard the sound in my room for a third time, I was done. I went downstairs and slept on the couch.

This continued for three nights. On the third night, the sound was accompanied by the sound of footsteps in the attic. It sounded like a grown man having a temper tantrum and stomping around. I could literally feel them shaking the walls of my room when I jumped up and got my dad.

“Did you hear that??” I said nearly in tears

“Hear what?”

“There's someone in the attic! I can hear them walking around!”

My dad hesitated and listened for a second. He didn't hear anything. But he went up to check, golf club in hand, and came back to tell me there was nothing there. Of course, I didn't believe him. I went back into my room, laid awake in bed staring. And there it was again..the stomping. This time, it was coming from down stairs. I heard the sound of the back door slide open and close, followed by one final SHHHHHHH.

This continued for days. Other weird things started to happen, such as lights flickering, things sliding from shelves, and so on. Just as I was convinced no one would ever believe me, I woke up one morning to find my mom sleeping on the couch. When I questioned her, she told me the story of how she saw a little white dog walking around her room. She sat up in bed, and the dog turned to look at her and had a completely human face and long black hair. She said she then heard whispering in her room. As she was telling me this story, my sister came in from the kitchen laughing. She said “what are you guys doing to the poor dog?”

We said the dog was outside and she turned white as paper. She said she heard a loud growl from a dog come from the room we were in. I'd say it was our dog outside perhaps, but we didn't hear anything.

That same night, my parents went out to dinner leaving us home alone. My sister and I were watching television, when we heard a full on conversation coming from our empty kitchen. Then I decided to pull out my phone and see if I could record it. Of course it stopped exactly then.

With my phone still recording, I asked “what do you want?” Silence. “Who are you?” Silence.

I listened back to the recording and it confirmed everything we had been fearing.

“What do you want?”

At that point, a male voice started talking, but in ways that we couldn't understand. It talked over my second question and continued until the recording ended. My sister and I started crying and freaking out until my parents got home and we showed it to them. My mom freaked out and took my phone from me, and deleted the recording.

And that was kind of the end of it.

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