While trading stories around a campfire, my friend recalled an encounter he had while serving an LDS mission.
My friend’s mission region had a reservation within its boundaries. However, it was relatively far from where he was serving. On one occasion, him and his mission companion were asked to travel further than usual to meet with some investigators. This took them near the reservation.
On their way home, their car ran out of gas, and it wasn’t until late at night that they were able to continue the journey home.
My friend (who was driving while his companion slept in the passenger seat) chose a different route that took him through some backroads in an attempt to get home sooner.
He told us he was driving above the speed limit when he noticed movement in the woods lining the road. Because coyotes were common in the area, he took little notice at first. Then he looked out the window and slammed on the brakes.
The sudden stop jolted his companion awake, who immediately wanted to know what was wrong. My friend was shaken and said he would tell him once they got home. He asked him to say a prayer.
By the time they made it home, his companion was dying to know what had happened. My friend told him,
“I looked down at the road next to the car and saw six men running on all fours, keeping up with the car. I was driving 40 miles an hour.”
Horror Stories
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