I encountered this incident in my childhood in a place called kuttralam in Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu. The time was around 6.30 pm and it was pretty dark, I was with my cousin walking from falls which are located deep inside a forest(Nearly 400m, a one-way path).
There was no one in 100m both front and at back of us. After few mins of walking down that forest, we saw a very old lady wearing red saree, with very large red bindi walked towards us.
It was the time when the officials don't allow anyone to enter the falls anymore. She just stared at me and was walking towards me. I got a feeling of being offended by woman's look at me.
When she was just crossing me she stopped and held my hand from nowhere and asked what the time was. But I really didn't have a watch with me so my cousin answered that it was 6.30pm but yet she stood still and was staring at me, my cousin repeated the time again and she was still staring at me.
I pulled my hand back and repeated that it was 6.30pm.
She thanked me politely and walked past me. Then I was discussing with my cousin about the odd behavior of lady.
After 1 min (Maybe) I turned back to have a glance at the lady but my heart nearly stopped when I didn't find her. I just froze for a moment and i was like
There was no way that old woman could have gone as its a one-way path and it was fenced on both sides. She seemed literally too weak to break the fence.
My cousin by then realized that it was something paranormal. We just ran our way to parking until we met our parents.
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