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And before we could react further, Arik noticed us and began walking towards our booth. We were really lucky; John was standing very near to us, talking with Flea. I had to act quick.

I brushed against John's arm, prompting him to turn around. He was pleased to see it was me.

I didn't respond, I just pulled him in for a sudden kiss. After a moment I pulled away and turned to see if Arik had gotten the hint. I couldn't see him around anymore, so I figured we had succeeded at driving him away from us. Me and John chatted for a bit and I explained the whole thing to him. It made him laugh and he said I could use him as my repellent anytime.

Ella and I discussed the relief we felt as Arik was nowhere to be seen anymore.
"Where's baldo?" she asked.
Her stupid joke caught me off guard so I burst out in loud, sudden laughter. People turned to look, but fortunately most of them were my friends.
Ella seemingly wasn't phased by my expression of amusement.
"Actually, in England it's 'where's Wally'..."
Her words trailed off as we noticed someone walking towards us again... Arik.
Why did I have to laugh so loud?! I blame Ella.

"Hi, remember me? It's Arik", he said with a grin.
"Oh right yeah, I remember. How have you been?"
I felt myself blush due to this man's presence. Not in THAT way, just because I'd slammed the door in his face twice and I felt embarrassed.
He started babbling about something irrelevant again in an awkward manner.

Eventually John sat next to me which gave me a rush of comfort. Arik didn't seem to care, though. I don't know who he thought he was talking to, but I knew none of us were listening. Ella's gaze followed a nervously pacing Anthony while John nonchalantly placed his hand on my bare thigh, partly under the table. Slowly, he began grazing my thigh and when I looked up to him, I saw a sly smirk on his face.  Fucker. I had to let out a sigh as his hand moved to the middle.

Our little game was interrupted by an enthusiastic Flea, waving a magazine in his hand.
"The new Kerrang with us is out!"
Everyone rushed to the bar where Flea opened the magazine. Before that I caught a glimpse of the cover. It was an older picture; it, along with the related interview must've been taken a while ago. About a year ago, judging by John's red hair. I didn't catch myself biting my lip until Arik threw me a death stare. Geez.
Naturally, Flea started reading the article out loud for all to hear. He really was meant to be an entertainer - that was just his personality.

"Ok now this is John's part!" Flea's eyes widened as he shared an excited smile with John, who seemed to be blushing a little bit.
Flea read all the questions and John's answers to them, snarky as ever and full of obscure references.
"This is the last one. The reporter asked: "do you believe true love exists?"
I wasn't really expecting anything special. After all, this was before we were dating and even if we had been, the guys had always talked about their relationships in a sarcastic manner when asked.
"John says: "in my own way. I believe in my own true love for music. There is also a girl that makes me wonder."
You know the way you feel when you say "aww"? That was the feeling that rushed to me in that moment. And like an instinct, I jokingly asked him:
"Do you still wonder?"
Without wasting a single moment, he gave me a kiss.

Next, it was time to hear Anthony's responses to the reporter's questions. However, Anthony was nowhere to be seen. Ella seemed cool but I could sense she was a tiny bit worried. Flea looked at John.
"Yeah okay, um it's Tony's turn. He really turned the tables on this one though..."
Ella looked at me, confused.
"What do you mean?"
Flea cleared his throat.
"Well, instead of answering questions... he had a question of his own."

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