How it Ends

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Why oh why did I decide to get hammered last night? I think I was still a little bit drunk when I woke up because my walk to the bathroom was very... unstable. I decided to attempt the age-old trick of drinking water to help my condition and it actually did.

The walls in John's facility bedroom looked whiter and brighter than ever as I went for my second pee during this visit. That's the payback I got for trying to sober up.
"How much pee have you got in you?" John chuckled as I waddled back in.
"Perv. Long story short, I got some drinks in me last night."
"Ah, yes. Just make sure you don't-"
"Yeah yeah. I won't get addicted. I'm not-" I quickly aborted the sentence as I didn't know if we were at the joking stage yet.
"You're not me?" John chuckled.
I exhaled in relief. "Yeah. Uh, sorry. You know I didn't mean it like that..."
He took my hand and assured me it was fine. Then he kissed my forehead, which felt like an instant cure to my headache.

John cleared his throat. "Tony, uh, visited me."
"What, today?"
"Nah, few days ago."
"You didn't tell me?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't wanna get your hopes up... Basically we cleared some air, he told me about how Arik sucks ass... and he asked me to rejoin."
My eyes lightened up. "John, that's great!!"
"Nah because I told him I won't."
I backed off. "Wait, what??"
"Eva. I know it sounds dumb but I've really thought about it. I haven't been playing music in weeks... that fire in me, it's been burning out. I just don't want all that stress on myself while I'm struggling with... this, (he gestured around the room) and I'm trying to get out of here, not end up returning. Eva, I'm not gonna make music until things get better."
I'd never seen John so... mature. I don't mean to sound like Anthony here but he had had a certain childishness to him, you must know what I mean. But he really seemed determined now. We were about to kiss when I rapidly plunged towards the restroom... I guess I hadn't gotten rid of that hangover so easily after all.

Ella wasn't home when I got back. I guess she must've been out. I lay down on the couch and turned the TV on... I must've dozed off because I woke up to the sound of bread jumping out of the toaster. Ella was sitting at the table in her robe and curlers in her hair. "Oh, good morning sis. I hope I didn't wake you."
"Don't worry, if anything, I slept too much." I glanced at the clock. "Fuck, how long was I out??"
"Well, I got home at like 11 last night and you were completely out by then"

I sighed as I joined her in the kitchen.
"Ella, did you know Anthony had talked to John a few days ago?"
"No... why would I? I don't get involved in their business."
"No, I wouldn't either but John said he won't make music until he gets his life together."
"Aw, well that sounds rational." She grabbed an orange juice bottle from the fridge. "Hey, you want some breakfast?"
"No thanks."
We kept small-talking but ever since Ella mentioned breakfast, I couldn't get one thing out of my head. "Hey, I don't mean to sound rude but did you burn the toast or something?"
Ella looked back at the toaster and furrowed her brow. "Uh, no?"
"Oh. Sorry... not sure why I thought that. That smell is just really bothering me... can I open the window?"
Ella's brow was still furrowed as she told me "yeah, uh, sure".

After that, we were quiet. I was browsing through the newspaper as Ella suddenly began choking on her sip of orange juice. It startled me to be honest. I was about to ask her if she was ok when she'd coughed her way out, but she was clearly trying to say something to me. Just struggled to get it out.
"Eva, uh... are you sick or something?"
"What? Why?"
"You seem a little, I don't know, tired. And the day before yesterday I heard you get sick in the middle of the night."
I snickered. "Girl, don't worry. I just ate something bad. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go pee."
As I turned to walk off, Ella cleared her throat. Then it hit me.

Dialing.... Pick up! Please.
"Method rehabilitation center Los Angeles, how can I help you?"
"I— I'm trying to reach a John Frusciante, please. Could I speak to him?"
I was tapping my foot restlessly as I waited for John to come to the phone.
"Hey, baby" he chirped.
"Hi, could I... come over? I need to tell you something."

Have you ever tried applying lipstick with a shaky hand? Yeah, me too. Didn't succeed.
"Eva, the cab is downstairs. You sure you don't want me to go with you? You know, for support?"
I took a deep breath. "It's fine, I need to do this on my own. You just go on your date. Besides, I trust John.
Ella placed her hand on my shoulder. "Okay sis, whatever you say. Hey, soon Anthony will get to see John in a much more responsible role than he could've expected..."
I chuckled nervously. "Yeah... but don't mention it to Tony though, okay?"
Ella raised her brow. "What, to Tony? Why would I mention it to him?"
"Well, you guys are pretty open with each other. And you guys go out a whole lot."
Ella bursted out laughing. "What are you talking about?"
"What are YOU talking about?"
"Who are you going out with then??"
"Mike Patton, silly!!"

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