The beginning of my end with you

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It was just a normal day for Chuuya. Or so he thought. After he finished one of his missions, Mori asked to meet him in his office. It seemed important so Chuuya wasted no time getting to the top floor. When he arrived, he walked in and bowed.

"You called me, boss?" he asked with no hint of hesitation or fear.

Mori looked at him with no emotion until he motioned him to stand up straight.

"This might be good news for you." He said in a cold tone, now smirking. He later placed both of his hands under his chin and looked at the ginger in front of him, scanning him from up and down.

"Dazai has left the port mafia."

There was silence filling the room. Chuuya looked unfazed "Is that all?" he asked in a bored tone. Mori looked surprised at the boy's reaction, but decided to not comment about it.

"Yes, you may leave. I will call you in if there's an emergency. I'm sure you want to celebrate Dazai's leaving." He said amused, knowing full well how hard it affected the ginger.

Chuuya bowed once again before turning around and leaving the office. He then went to the elevator and waited for the doors to close. Once they did, he fell on the ground, holding in quiet sobs that later turned into full-on tears. "T-that bastard!" he managed to mutter under his breath. "H-how dare he j-just dragging me here and then l-leaving me alone!"

He stood up slowly, leaning on the elevator's wall. He didn't want to be seen crying. By no one. Not the ones who respected him, not his friends, not his enemies, and certainly, not that bandage-wasting-device.

He gathered his composure and walked out of the elevator immediately after the doors opened. He didn't spare a single look at anyone present at the bottom floor and left as fast as he could. He needed to drink. This was too much for him to handle.

And so he did. Once he arrived home, he looked around to see if that bastard left him some kind of note to tell him that it was just a prank, or he waited for the brunette to jump at him and laugh at how stupid Chuuya looked at that moment. But that never happened. There was no note behind, no nothing. Chuuya headed to his pantry and grabbed a wine bottle.

He downed it with no second thought as tears were streaming down his face. Due to his low alcohol intolerance, he immediately regretted drinking so much in such a short time. He soon fell to the ground holding one hand on his mouth, trying to muffle his sobs. He looked pathetic. He felt pathetic as well. Why would he cry? Why?? He hated Dazai, so why is he in so much pain? These thoughts clouded his mind as he tried standing up. Out of anger, he threw the wine bottle, shattering it in a million pieces.

He started crying even more as he looked at the broken shards of the bottle. "That's exactly how I feel.." he managed to muster before passing out. He then saw nothing around him but darkness. 'Is this a dream?' he asked himself as he wandered around, not knowing where he was going. He suddenly saw a red petal fall in his hair. He picked it up and stared at it. Soon enough, hundreds of red petals were surrounding him. He didn't know what was happening. He tried walking, but every step he took hurt like he was stepping on broken glass. He then heard a voice say his name. It was barely audible, but he heard it clear and well. He turned his head in the direction of the sound and saw him. It was Dazai. He tried walking closer to him, but once he stepped foot in his direction, his heart started to ache. The pain slowly moved to his throat as he started puking blood-covered petals. Soon enough, Dazai's figure faded in the dark, leaving a pained Chuuya to clutch his chest as he kept puking blood mixed with flowers. How pitiful. How incredibly pitiful. He's been left behind so many times, he was betrayed by the sheep, his friends were killed by his own brother, everything in his life went downhill, and Dazai leaving was the last straw.

He couldn't contain the pain anymore, as he let out a sorrow-filled scream.

Not long after, he opened his eyes slowly, he was still laying on the kitchen floor, this time surrounded by red camellias and blood. "Why haven't I died yet..." he asked himself in a raspy voice, he guessed he got it from all the flowers which clawed at his throat in that very second. His phone rang from the kitchen counter. He, of course, was too worn out to even get up, so he stood there in silence as he waited for his demise. More blood started coming out of his throat as he tried getting up. It was useless. Everything was.

He stood still for another, he guessed, three hours, before finally standing up with the help of a nearby chair. He took his dagger from his belt and looked at his empty wrists. It wasn't worth it. But anything that could help numb the pain in his heart was welcomed. He started cutting, first thin lines appeared on his wrist. It wasn't enough. He then cut deeper, as blood was starting to flow out of his cuts. It wasn't enough. He held his dagger tightly and started stabbing his wrist. It wasn't enough. It wasn't enough. It wasn't enough!

After finishing his 'art piece', he looked at it again with empty eyes. It was enough. Chuuya was ready to finally finish his job as Arahabakis vessel. He was ready to just vanish from the face of the earth and stop the pain that was still suffocating him. He smiled sadly as he didn't move his gaze from his injured wrist.

He's made his decision.

He didn't bother bandaging his bleeding hand as he put his hat on his head and his coat on his shoulders one last time.

He walked in the direction of "Uzumaki cafe" since it was one of the highest buildings in Yokohama. He used his ability to fly to the roof and glanced to the sky. It was a beautiful sight. He took in one last breath as he sat on the edge, feet hanging off. He took in the scenery one last time. Before he jumped he heard his name again. Once he did, he felt petals crawling at his throat again.

He turned around, now facing the person he despised the most.

"...Dazai..." he mustered to say while petals were scratching his flesh. "Chuuya, come here." He said with fear. I looked at him dead in the eyes "No." I said as I turned around and was ready to just end it all.

"Y-you're not thinking of jumping, are you...?" The brunette asked, scared for the answer. A red petal fell at his feet. Chuuya then started coughing blood and flowers, showing no signs of stopping. Dazai took that chance to grab Chuuyas wrist, preventing him from jumping. He then noticed the ginger's injured wrist and horror appeared in his eyes. 'Did he do this to himself...?'

The brunette started crying without notice, red petals slowly falling from the corner of his parted mouth.


Without warning, he hugged the ginger in a tight embrace, as he pushed both of them off of the roof. He kissed Chuuyas lips passionately as he waited for the impact.

It was perfect. Two soulmates committing suicide together. What a dream come true.

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