Chapter 3

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"Georgia, Georgia. Come here," the voice calls out to me.

I can't see her. It's almost like it's some kind of ominous being. It sounds similar to the person from my other dreams. I can't say for sure. They never spoke to me before. Not until right now.

"Georgia. Come to me," the voice calls to me.

"Come to you? I can't even see you," I said.

"Georgia, come to me. Before it's too late," they call.

"Too late? Too late for what?" I said.

"Please, come to me," they call.

I wake up in a cold sweat. What was that about? That is really strange. Never thought that would happen. Still, why would it change now? It doesn't make sense. Of all times to do so. Now? Really? Not sure if I should back out or if it's a sign that I should be going there.

As I sit up I look over to see if Savannah is still sleeping or if she is awake. As I already know that. I'm not a mind reader. If I was I would be impressed. I've never had any signs of it. Even now I don't believe I have any signs. I must be really good if I can't even tell. Yet again I didn't know I have magic until yesterday. That doesn't make it any less real. Still, how did my magic not show up until yesterday? It was for the best that it didn't show up until yesterday. Who knows what could've happened to me if it came any sooner. It really could've been anything. Either way, it was perfect timing that it showed up when I was trying to save Savannah.

I look over to my right. It's not I know if Savannah is already awake or not. I didn't hear her getting up. So how would I know if she got up before I did? She's not here. Where is she? Is she already downstairs. As I step out of bed I look around to see if she is in here somewhere that I've not noticed yet.

No sign of her anywhere in my room. I guess she is literally anywhere else in the house. Which doesn't help at all. It is the exact opposite of helping. It could be anywhere in here. Who knows she could have gone out somewhere. I have no clue either way. I hope that she didn't leave for Bellalumee without me. She better not have. After all, that happened yesterday. She better bring me there. Even though I have to be there under another girl's name. Even though it feels weird that I have to do that. Still, it'll be good if I'm able to find out what I am.

I walk out of my room. Besides needing to go to the washroom. I could see where Savannah is. If she is still up here. She could be anywhere in the house or she could've even gone out for whatever reason. I don't know what that reason is. I mean how would I know since I was sleeping when she woke up. It's not like she is going to tell me where she is going when I'm sleeping.

I go into the washroom and no sign of Savannah. I guess she is somewhere else. To be fair she could've got up hours ago. It's not like I heard it either way. I slept right through it. If she did try to tell me where she was going I didn't hear it. I hope if she didn't do anything stupid. It's way too early for it. Honestly, I can't even deal with it if she something stupid. Especially if it got her hurt. It would be hilarious and sad at the same time. Still, I won't be able to handle it if she did. It's all too much already. I'm barely managing to take it all in as it is. It's all too much as it is. I don't know how I crack from it already.

All is fine as I'm going to the washroom. No one comes to bug me at all. It's truly peaceful. The calm before the storm. I know it's going to be crazy. Going to Bellalumee today. Naturally, it's going to be at least slightly crazy.

As I'm getting out of the washroom stomping comes up the stairs. Who could it be? Even though it is most likely dad. It could be mom. Plus I barely know Savannah. It could be her as well. It's not like I've had a chance to get to know her and how she walks up and down the stairs. I can't really truly know a person after only a day. How would that even be possible? It would be like if someone said that they understand what physics has to offer after only a day. Yeah, technically it is possible just very unlikely.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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