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"Create a hero, sir? Why would you do that?" Belial wondered in confusion. They'd spent years trying to take down Metro Woman, were they going to do it all again?

"So I have someone to fight! Belial, I’m a villain without a hero. A yin with no yang! A bullfighter with no bull to fight. In other words, I have no purpose! Now, ask me how I'm going to do it! Go on, ask!" Mephisto answered in a rush. He may not be able to fill the emptiness of losing the woman he'd admired so much, but he could at least attempt to fill the void.

Belial sighed, knowing that there was a spiel that probably wouldn't make any sense to him coming. "How are you going to do it, sir?" He asked patiently.

Mephisto showed him the poster boards he’d made with all his ideas.

"I’m going to give someone–I don’t know who yet–Metro Woman’s powers. We’re going to train that person to become Metrocity’s new hero. Over here, follow along!" He revealed the last poster board. "And then I’m going to fight that hero in an epic battle of good and evil, Which will put everything back the way it was when the world was perfect again!" He finished proudly.

"Behold, Belial, Metro Woman’s cape! Look closely!" He pushed a large magnifying glass towards the minion. "Tell me what you see." Mephisto ordered.

"Dandruff?" Belial noticed.

"Yes! It’s her DNA! From this, we’ll extract the source of Metro Woman’s great power!" Mephisto confirmed.

"Sir, I think this is a bad idea." Belial voice this opinion as his master extracted Metro Woman’s essence.

"Yes, this is a very wickedly bad idea for the greater good of bad!" Mephisto agreed enthusiastically as the machine he'd sent the night building created his newest experiment.

"No, I’m saying this is a kind of bad that you might think is good from your bad perception, but from a good perception, it’s just plain bad." Belial described with some difficulty.

"Oh, you don’t know what’s good for bad, Belial! Now, we have just one shot at this. We must find a suitable subject. Someone with a noble heart and mind, who puts the welfare of others above their own." Mephisto brushed off the concern. Rin had those things, but he had his own role in Mephisto's life and the supervillain didn't want that role to change.

A tune went off from somewhere close by and Mephisto turned in a circle, looking for the source of the noise.

"What on Earth is that?" Mephisto wondered.

"It seems to be emanating from there, sir." Belial pointed to Mephisto’s behind and the villain pulled out Samuel's cell phone from his back pocket. He flipped it open and answered it.


"Sam, it’s Rin." The reporter greeted. Mephisto gasped in pleasant surprise, pressing the phone to his chest to middle the speaker.

"It’s Rin!" He whisper shouted excitedly to Belial, who still looked confused.

"I just want to thank you for inspiring me the other day." Rin continued. Mephisto could just see that adorable little blush on his cheeks. Rin always made this cute, blushy expression when he was thanking or apologizing to people. Mephisto loved it.

"Oh? You inspired me too~" Mephisto responded fondly. He might have been digging himself into a hole the longer he kept up the disguise as Samuel, but he just couldn't bring himself to give it up. He'd probably never get a chance like this again, so he was going to milk it as much as he could.

"Aw, thanks! It’s time we stood up to Mephisto and showed him that he can’t just push us around." Rin got serious and Mephisto did his best not to purr into the phone(something he'd learned as a kid that humans didn't do, but their feline house pets did, so weird). Rin was a brave, fearless soul and he was clever enough to banter with Mephisto and catch on to his plots pretty quickly. And outside of his job, Rin was such a sweet man.

Mephisto: Master of All VillainyWhere stories live. Discover now