Metro Woman Day

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Listen guys, Godaiin is one of my favorite Blue Exorcist characters and it really hurts me to do this to him, but I needed someone who Rin would be close to in the manga and I know he respects and cares for Godaiin a good amount because Godaiin is the only human willing to get close to him and stick round.

So, I have to make Godaiin the cameraman in the role of Hal the Nice Guy ™, and thus the love interest who pines after the reporter and later turns to Villainy once he realizes that being a hero won't make the reporter love him.

I was gonna put Shima in that role, but that doesn't work out much because the Kyoto boys usually come as a package deal and if I decide to put them in as a cameo, it'll be wierd without Shima there. Now without further ado, please enjoy the chapter!


Their battles quickly got more elaborate. She would win some, Samael would almost win others! She took the name Metro Woman, Defender of Metrocity.

Samael decided on something a little more self-explanatory: Mephisto Pheles-incredibly handsome Criminal Genius and Master of all Villainy! Mephisto was the name of a Trickster from Ancient European stories and fit his abilities and personality perfectly!

He spent most of his time in his lairs or prison. Belial did most of the shopping. Belial was older than Mephisto and almost as tall as him, though he had more meat on his bones than Mephisto. He was a different species than Mephisto(though they were very similar biologically)but had no powers other than enhanced senses and strength, agility, reflexes, and durability.

Currently, Mephisto was sitting in his prison cell and waiting for Escape Plan 53d to be set in motion. Mephisto had made matching watches for him and Belial. The watches scanned people, copied their looks and their voices, then applied that image to either Mephisto or Belial. It had taken several years, but Mephisto had finally upgraded it to mix and match the features of different people that had been scanned to make a totally random person so neither of them ended up running into the person they were disguised as(that had ruined way too many of his previous plans). It was so easy to trick people! The only drawback was that no matter what he did to the watches, their eye colors always stayed the same and replaced the irises of whoever they were disguised as. At least he'd been able to make them look human and switch to different shades of green. He was kind of surprised no one had caught on to that yet though(maybe they had but they ended up being a Mephisto groupie-yes those existed).

This was Mephisto's destiny. He wouldn't stop until he'd won. What he was winning, he still didn't know, but Mephisto was sure he'd know it when it happened.

"Read on your own time! Open up!" He heard Shiro snap at the guard watching the camera footage to his cell.

Abel had been rendered comatose in a mysterious accident when Mephisto was fourteen, then he'd been taken off of Life Support because there was no one to pay for him anyway(Mephisto drained all his accounts once he was declared dead-the asshole deserved to die bankrupt).

Shiro Fujimoto, an Army Veteran who'd been honourably discharged after his first tour, had taken over and quickly whipped the prison into shape. He'd never treated Mephisto as horribly as Abel had and he didn't let the guards treat Mephisto different than any other prisoner, so Mephisto was satisfied with the current Warden.

Mephisto did his best to be silent under the tiny circular window where Shiro always looked in on him. Just as planned, he saw the Supervillain nowhere to be found in the cell and grew concerned. "Hey!"

"BOO!" Shiro jumped about five feet in the air as Mephisto cackled, flopping down in his chair and spinning around to look at the warden with a cheerful smile.

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