My Hero

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Most of the damage was being mitigated or repaired by Mephisto's Ravens all around the city. The day dawned bright and sunny, with perfect weather.

Destiny was not the path given to you, but the path you choose for yourself.

[Purple lightning enveloped a white brick wall. With a crack and a whoosh, the wall was blasted open and Mephisto made his dramatic entrance.

"Alright!! Put your hands in the air!" He cried with a grin.

The crowd screamed with delight, and Mephisto aimed his ray gun toward the crowd.

"Now hand over your wallets!" He demanded with a diabolical grin.

The crowd gasped in betrayal and backed up. The hero holstered the gun, holding his hands up placatingly.

I'm just messing with you!" He cackled. The cheering resumed.

Mephisto had to admit, being good had its perks.

Rin dived toward the hero, trapping him in a hug and placing a kiss on his cheek as he pulled up a familiar white cape I've this shoulders.

You know, you look pretty good in fur." The reporter murmured in his ear with a grin.

The mayor stepped up to the new hero. "Mephisto, if you plea–wah!" He jumped to the side as Mephisto spun around and shit his ray gun to desintegrate the ribbon.

The gigantic purple curtain fell and revealed a new statue where the one of Metro Woman used to be.

Now, it had Mephisto and Metro Woman together, each holding up the earth with one hand. In Mephisto's free hand, a giant replica of his ray gun was immortalized. Metro Woman's free hand was placed in her hip in her classic superhero pose. It almost brought a tear to his eye. The people love shin just as much as they'd loved Shura. It was everything he'd wanted.

Shura watched from the crowd, a trench coat and fedora hiding her. She smiled proudly. "Way to go, little buddy." She murmured. She hoped he could forgive her someday for leaving him and Rin like she did.

The mayor stepped forward once more. "Ladies and gentlemen. Mephisto, defender of Metro City!" He announced happily.

The crowd went wild.

"HIT IT!" Mephisto called gleefully. The music started up–Mephisto's music. None of that Elvis shit that Shura liked–no, he had the King of Pop himself–Micheal Jackson.

He danced with his boyfriend and the crowd danced too, some recording the event. Mephisto couldn't wait to watch this later on YouTube.

Rin twirled into his boyfriend's arms and jumped. Mephisto caught him Bridal style and Rin delivered a kiss to his lips. "My hero."

Someone snapped a picture and he couldn't wait to see that one on the internet either. He'd have to frame it and put it up in his Manor.

Another one of Mephisto's favorite memories. He had a feeling he'd be having a lot more of those from now on.


Aaaand, finished!! I wrote half of this while sleep deprived and I edited it like 500000 times, so I hope it turned out good!

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