Chapter 1

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"The best friends of our childhoods are the loves of our lives, and they break our hearts in worse ways." ― Fredrik Backman, 

chapter 1


The city looked different then she remembered it, not as bright.

The void hovered on the horizon, once the academy had been there. Once it had been her home. Not anymore, both her and Mar had seen to that. She closed her eyes for a moment, shifting on the edge of the roof to pull her right leg up to her chin.

It had been a year, she still couldn't believe that. She had been trapped in the void for a year. The only one to come out of it Ben had told her. She wondered why. Why was she the only survivor of that day?

She should have left when she was given the choice then it would have never happened.

"How are you doing?" A voice asked behind her, Ben. She pursed her lips together. "It must be hard, finding out that everything happened a year ago." He sat down next to her.

"I don't know what to feel yet." she admitted, running a hand over the cuts on her leg. When they had found her she was cover in blood. Too many cuts and gashes covered her body. Vivian; Ben's sister, hadn't known if she would be able to heal all the wounds. That had been a week ago. Now only small cuts littered Artemis's skin.

"I don't blame you."

They sat in silence. The city below them looked so different, it was still hard for her to place this version of it with the one she remembered. Some of the builds were missing and in their place was rubble, others were bored up, bottles and paper littered the ground, despite it being midday no one was out. It was a ghost town.

And then there was the void, it took up entire blocks in the distance, big and black a reminder of what happened. A black hole. An explosion of two stars colliding had made it; her and Mar's powers. She hadn't meant for it to happen and when it did she was startled.

How can I trust you again!

Mar, I-I didn't mean for it to happen! Listen to me!

"Hey, chin up, I promise everything will get better."

It wouldn't, but she also hadn't told him about Mar yet, about what happened before she got trapped in the void. She tilted her head to look at him but didn't say anything.

"Is this where you disappeared to," Another voice, Vivian this time. Artemis turned to look at her and wrenched her muscles where still sore. "Having a roof top meeting without me?"

Unlike her brother who was all hard edges, Vivian was soft, soft jaw line, light spring green eyes, red hair.

"Not necessarily  a meeting," Artemis replied. "A sit down maybe.."

She watched the red head walk over to them and sit next to her. Ben gave his sister a look that said she was unwelcome. Vivian ignored it.

"So what's this sit down about?"

"Nothing." Artemis said. "I needed air." she finished.

She had been in their stuffy apartment for too long without it, passing in and out of consciousness; healing, Vivian and Ben hovering over her in concern. Cody, there roommate muttering about how, ' she's going to bring death to them all.' and 'how are we sure she's not a villain?'

Even now he was cold to her, trying to avoid her every chance he got. She ignored him to. She told herself it was because his power made her uncomfortable, but really it was because she was slightly afraid of him. He always carried around a large knife under his leather jack, was taller than her by a foot  and in all regards he looked like a thug, dark hair and eyes and a goatee.

Vivian nodded. Leaning back on her hands and kicking her feet over the edge of the building.

"This beats having to listen to the news for the umpteenth time because Cody is a paranoid jerk." Artemis smiled slightly at that but didn't say anything. She still didn't know them enough to. The houses dynamics were still so strange to her. Cody was so different then the siblings but they got along great most of the time.

Even when he didn't agree with Ben about bringing her in he went along with it, respecting his decision. Artemis suspected that he carried the knife incase Ben was wrong about her, incase she really was a villain determined to kill them all.

"How are you feeling today?" Vivian asked. "any pain?" She looked at Artemis in concern, ready to use her powers, to help because if this week had taught her anything Vivian cared, maybe too much. Even after what the world had turned into, Broken mess.

She smiled, shook her head. She didn't want to use Vivian like that, even if she knew the girl would insist on it. She could handle the pain of a few cuts and sore muscles.

"I'm fine."

She watched Vivian bite the corner of her lip for a moment, thinking before nodding.

"If you have pain later let me know."

"I will."

"Vivian any word on what is happening with the villains?" Ben asked.

"Cody said that that Blackhole has been on the movie with Firestarter."

Ben frowned, his eyes turning dark. Artemis looked between the siblings she stilled didn't know much about the villains. She was afraid to ask. What she remembered from before, was a group of super powered people coming onto the news and the reports afterwards.

Take over's from businesses, billionaires robbed of their money, their bodies found afterwards. The fights between them and the hero's- people who decided they needed to stop them. Than later closer to the fight with Mar the hunting of hero's.

She shivered at that. She remembered watching the new with Mar as it reported on a fight between the hero lady Silvia; an ice wielding super and death; a villain with the ability to pull peoples souls from their bodies. She remembered watching in horror as lady Silvia fell. She remembered holding onto her best friend in shock and thinking if the hero's couldn't save them then who could.

Note; hey guys, I'v been wanting to write a superhero story for quite sometime, I just never knew what it was going to be about.
Then the other day when I was listening to music this band came on-I don't know how but they found me- and everything I had been putting away in the back of my mind for a superhero story fell into place.

This is a rough draft, unlike my other ones which have all been 1st or second drafts (with the exception of shadows in the night which is a 6thish draft).

I hope you enjoy. Let's see how far this one gose and where it goes.

Just to let everyone who is reading my other stuff know I'm still working on it! Don't worry! I just write slow when it comes to re-writing.

I hope everyone has a good day!
If you made it this far then thank you!

Ps I also posted the first two chapters up on tumblr.

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