chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Artemis didn't wait for Firestarter to make another move instead she charged him stars swirling around her hands. He dodges her first attack, but she swings again her first hitting his arms as he blocked her, fire sizzles under her starlit darkness where they touch.

She took a step back at the same time he does. Raising her arms at him she shoots, starlight flashes though the room. Firestarter rolls out of the way just in time, the starlight barely missing him. his back hits the wall of the too small hallway as he come back to his feet.

Artemis raises her arms again but before she can fire more starlight her arm is jerked towards the ceiling, and she's pulled forward.

It takes her longer than she would like to stop the dizziness and panic. when it's finally gone, she looks around in confusion. She's standing it what look like a gym, the space is wide open, there are floor mats on the ground and Bri stands in front of her. Artemis watches as she pulls a dagger out. She wonders for a moment why Bri didn't attack her when she was dizzy. she should have, knowing how the villains are she shouldn't have given her a chance to recover.

Artemis throws starlight at the girl, but Bri is faster she teleports next to Artemis who takes a step back barely missing the blade. Bri flashes behind her, this time her blade slicing hard into Artemis's arm.

Damn. How was she supposed to fight a girl who could be everywhere?

"I thought you would be harder to fight." Bri says standing on the other side of the room watching Artemis "after all your powers the same as blackhole's."

Artemis ignores her as she lifts one of her hands and shoot, the starlight arches across the room, bri steps away from it, landing in front of Artemis who takes a step back as Bri slices her dagger at her. Artemis lifts her arms to block the blow and the dagger slices the skin of her forearm. She ignores the pain as she flashes her power blinding Bri long enough to get away.

something hits her hard against her side. Artemis cries out as pain flairs though her body, she locks her knees to stay standing. when she turns Mar is standing in the doorway starlight and darkness covering her hands.

"It looks like you saved me the trouble of finding you." She says as she walks further into the room. "This is my fight." She says to Bri not taking her eyes off Artemis.

"But blackhol-"

"Go." Her voice is cold, it's a voice Artemis had never heard Mar use before.

Bri nods as she takes a step and is gone leaving Artemis alone with Mar. For a moment all she can see is Mar standing over Annette's dead body. Artemis shakes her head; she needed to keep it together. Mar fires another shot of starlight at Artemis who quickly rolls away.

"You were looking for me?"

"Don't flatter yourself to much." Mar says as she raises her hands, another shot of starlight aimed at Artemis who pulls up a wall made of her power to stop it.

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