Chapter two

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Frank's P.O.V

I show Chris where our health room is and we sit in the back. I point out who's nice and who isn't. "Thanks kid, but I don't need to know who's an asshole and who isn't, I'm not intimidated by anyone here."

"Kid?" I tilt my head. "I'm not a kid."

"You're cute kid." He ruffles my hair.

"Errg, why do you keep calling my that?" I pout, a light blush covering my cheeks.

"Because, your small...much like a child. Therefore, I'm gonna call you kid." He smiles amused. "Awe, you're blushing."

"Stop." I put my head down onto the desk in embarrassment.

"Sweety, if I make ya blush just say so." He smirks, turning the page in his notebook to a blank sheet and began drawing the outline of a person.

"Whatchya drawing?" I lean over his desk.

"I don't know yet." He shrugs.

"Hm, it looks like a weird twisted demon figure." I shiver at the art plastered in front of my face.

Chris smirks. "Does it give you chills?"

"Kinda, but my boyfriend draws all types of creepy shit...hey maybe you could come over and I can show you." I propose.

"Boyfriend?" He raises an eyebrow. "So you're gay. Or bi. Either or. And he draws you pictures that creep you out?"

"Well no, but he hangs them up in his room." I elaborate.

"So what you're saying're inviting me over to your boyfriends house, without him knowing first, so you can show me his drawings, in his bedroom?" He chuckles.

"Not entirely, but yes. We live together, silly. His room is my room, but I've been sleeping in my friend Mikeys room, which is my boyfriends brother, since he left." I inform.

"So do they still live with their parents?...or?" He questions.

"Yeah, but I live there too. So it's my house also." I scoot my chair closer to his desk, so I'm not sitting in an awkward position.

"Why don't you live with your parents?" He looks back down at his drawing to add more detail.

"Because...they died when I was 4, but my mom and Mikeys mom were life long besties, so Donna, Mikeys mom, decided to take me into her care. She didn't adopt me, though." I sigh.

"I'm sorry about your parents, kid." Chris pats my head.

"Eh, didn't have many memories with them. Didn't really know them. I never got the chance to. I mean, you can't really miss someone you didn't really know." I shrug.

"Wow, that's...sad, but I totally get it." He stifles a laugh.

"What about you? Do you live with your parents?"

He shakes his head. "Nah, never did. I am the result of an unprotected one night stand. And I guess my mother, whoever she is, didn't want me. I was suppose to be an abortion, but by the time she found out she was pregnant, it was too late to abort me. I only hold such information, because I guess she wanted me to know about how I came to be and wrote it in a note for me to read on my 16th birthday. I spent multiple years in and out of foster homes until one day I said "fuck it" and decided I wasn't gonna do it anymore. I got a job and tried my hardest to save up. I do have a house, but I live with my best friend Ricky." The whole time he spoke he kept his eyes on his paper, concentrating on his drawing.

It takes me a good, long minute to let all of this information sink in. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes. "I-....That's-...I'm s-so sorry. I-...I shouldn't of asked."

He hears the quivering in my voice and quickly looks up. "No,'s okay. I don't's not that big of a deal." He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a comforting embrace. I hug back, tightly. Like he'll disappear if I let go. I sob into his shirt, wetting it with my tears. "'s okay. Calm down. Just breathe." He whispers, petting my head. I try to calm my breathing, taking long, slow breaths. Soon, my breathing pattern is back to normal and Chris pulls back some. "Are you okay now?"

"Mhm." I sniffle. "I'm s-sorry I asked ab-about your parents."

"No, don't be. It's fine. I don't care if you do, I didn't know them one bit. Remember what you said? 'You can't really miss someone you didn't really know.' Remember that?" He's talking to me like I'm a small child. To be honest, I like when people do that when I'm upset. Gerard use to do it, but stopped after a while. I guess it got tiring for him to meet those childish needs of mine.

I nod my head in response. "Mhm, I'm still sorry."

"It's fine, kid." He runs his fingers through my hair, comfortingly.

"Can I tell you a secret, one that I never even told my boyfriend?" I ask so sudden.

"Go ahead...I swear I won't tell a soul." He whispers.

"Okay...I kinda like being treated like a small child.'s comforting and calms me." I blush.

"Awe, you just keep getting more and more adorable." He smiles kindly. My blush darkens and I hide my face in his chest. The bell rings making me jump from my seat and grasp onto Chris tighter. "Hey,'s okay. It's just the bell...we gotta get to our next class. What do you have?"

"Chemistry." I answer.

"Awe no way! Same! We might have the same schedule. Aw, that'd be sick." He chirps.

"Let me see your schedule." I make grabby hands.

He chuckles and pulls a folded up piece of paper out of his pocket and hands it to me. I take it from him and unfold it, observing the times and periods of his classes. To my surprise, we do in fact have the same schedule. "We do! We have the all the same classes!"

"Well isn't that just the most wonderful thing." He smiles. "Now c'mon before we're late."

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