Chapter 16. Stupify

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The Next morning came quickly, and as tired as I was I forced myself off the bed and towards my dresser. The bags under my eyes became more apparent due to the lack of sleep, and I tried my best to even make the tie around my shirt tidy. Hermoine dragged me down to the great hall for breakfast as I spotted Harry, Ron, and the twins already seated. As much as I wanted to talk to Fred, I understood I couldn't, that much was obvious. He understood this too, as he lowered his head guiltily. 

"Everyone--read this.."

all of us huddled around Ron, nibbling pieces of our toast as we read the Daily Prophet. 

"Muggles have been found dead in their homes, unable to understand who is responsible for this horrific crime, we suggest everyone take precautions. "

All of us stopped eating and could feel ourselves growing nervous. I saw Hermoine especially growing worried. All of us started murmuring amongst each other causing many people in the great hall to become curious. 

"We shouldn't talk about this here, come on" 

We all looked at Harry as he walked out of the great hall. I noticed Fred walking alongside me and ignoring the built-up tension between us. We followed Harry into the room of Requirement, and instantly remembered the time Draco and I were in here. It was awful to think, but a smile had somehow grown on my face and Fred caught a glimpse of this. 

"Isn't this where we practiced Spells back in year six?

Ron nodded his head in response to Hermoine. Harry stood in the center of the room as we circled around him. 

"Muggles are suddenly dying...why?" 

"Death eaters of course." 

I saw that Fred said this out loud, and I tried to hide my knowledge of Draco being a Death Eater. How a Death Eater could've killed all these poor innocent muggles, and how Draco could possibly do the same thing. 

"What if it's Voldemort" 

Harry looked at all of us as we each fell silent. None of us glanced at each other, just simply hoping this wasn't the cause, that Voldemort wasn't alive, that he couldn't return.  

"What if Draco knows something about this.." 

Now Ginny was the one to blurt this out, and it instantly caught my attention. 

"No..No he can't possibly know anything." 

"He's a death eater, surely he knows." 

I glared at Fred bitterly, and he knew his response to me was an act of pure jealousy. I couldn't let it slip that I knew about Draco and his dumb mark. it was so meaningless, yet mattered so much to him. I wasn't sure how long I could just yell out that I knew, that Draco was just misunderstood, and to not hate him. But how can they not? Draco gave them, us, pure hell since the first year. Surely they could've tossed his head on a pitchfork in glory. 

"He's not one of them-

"Guys enough!" 

Hermoine was now in between Fred and me as we glared at each other. 

"I think we should be more aware of what's occurring...just keep an eye out" 

We all nodded in agreement to Harry and excused ourselves out of the room. I didn't want to afford to be late for potions so I hurried into class, and sat beside Cedric. We both greeted each other as we gathered our textbooks. Draco sat at the table beside me, and I could almost his strong gaze on me. Before I could feel any more uncomfortable, professor Slughorn discussed today's topic which I was actually once glad for. After the minutes which turned into hours passed by it was already time for our next class, and so I gathered my items quickly. I noticed a note on the side pocket of my bag, and slowly opened the piece of parchment paper. 

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