Chapter 20. Red Lipstick.

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A week had gone by since Draco and I conversed about improving our relationship. He'd seem to attempt to be better, but would still be with Astoria occasionally. 

We both agreed to meet at Hogsmeade for butter beers since we'd have the school day off, but as usual; he was late. I sipped my drink as it was nearly halfway done, eyeing his full mug in front of me. Before I got up to leave, I heard the entrance of the pub open; revealing Draco who wore a black collared long-sleeve shirt, alongside black fitted pants. He rushed to our table once he spotted me, and gave me a peck on the forehead. 

"I'm sorry I'm late; I had a quick errand to do" 

"Late? you're beyond late-" 

He drank a bit of his beverage before looking at me. 

"I'm sorry."

I looked down at my mug, before looking back up at him. He was fixing his collar until I was able to spot something on his neck. 

"Draco, what's on your-- neck?" 

He looked straight at me, thinking about what to say. 

"It's nothing-" 

I stood up, making my way to him as my hand reached out to move his collar. He grabbed my wrist, stopping me from going any further.

"Serena. I said it's nothing." 

"Then why are you stopping me, if it's nothing?" 

I use my free hand to pull his collar out of the way before seeing a red smudge on his neck; a smudge of red lipstick. He failed to clean it since it was very much noticeable, and by that time he let go of my wrist. His eyes looked straight into mine, and all I did was walk out. I didn't want to cry, I didn't want to hurt anymore; I had brought this upon myself. 

I had walked quickly away from Hogsmeade and heard rapid footsteps behind me 

"Get away from me Draco." 

He walked in front of me, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. 

"It was Astoria--I pushed her off of me once she kissed me. I swear." 

He looked into my eyes, pleading for me to believe him; but it'd only anger me. 

"So you were with her this entire time? the errand you had to go do?" 

"I can't always be with you!" 

"then why are you even here? why did you want me here if you fail to even show up on time?"  

He stared at me blankly, unable to answer my simple question. 

"don't talk to me Draco. We--are done." 

I walked around him and shoved my hands in my pocket. I didn't want to cry, I was trying not to cry; but my teeth were sinking into my lips too hard, fighting the urge to let the tears escape. 

Hermoine questioned me once I reached the dorm, I failed to contain my emotions; and explained everything. She hugged me, and we continued to converse as our backs laid on my bed. 

"What are you going to do about the ring?" 

We were staring at the ceiling, as my finger fidgeted with the piece of jewelry. 

"I, don't know." 

There was silence after, you could hear the wind; the birds outside. But my mind wasn't focused on that; I was trying to figure out how to dig myself out of this mess. 

"Fred and George are hosting a party in two days... You should attend with us" 

Our heads turned to face one another, a small smile etched on my face. 

"sure--why not." 

The next day arrived, and I was currently still in a bad state. I agreed to accompany Luna and Hermoine to the library for us to study, but we were interrupted by loud bickering at a nearby hall.

 "I need more time-"

"Draco. It's been long enough. You made a promise to everyone, to me-- don't forget." 

"It's not that easy Astoria." 

Astoria, and presumably Draco were the ones arguing. the three of us halted, as I pulled them to the wall; all three of us listening.

"She's nothing to you Draco, what's so difficult?" 

"I haven't gotten any information. Without her--we won't get anywhere." 

I could feel my heart sink lower and lower and could feel Hermoine squeezing my hand. She wanted to go, but I couldn't bring myself to; I wanted to hear every word. I was torturing myself.

"Well hurry it up. You being with her annoys me." 

"Well--imagine, being with her.." 

My teeth was biting my lower lip again, and I couldn't stop my heart from pounding.

"She's useless surely...I don't understand how one could--tolerate her. She's nothing to me." 

I pulled away from Hermoine and rushed around the corner. I ignored the both of them standing there, and the intense gaze that was on me. I could hear Hermione shout something, but I just wanted to get to the library. 

Once I rushed inside, I sat at a table; trying to calm myself down. 

"Serena- he's a fool. don't listen to him. you're amazing-" 

"Not, right now Hermoine." 

I stood up, looking at the two girls who had a worried expressions on their face. 

"I need to get a textbook. I'll, be back.." 

I walked past them and into the shelves of books. I needed a distraction. 


I froze, my heart beating rapidly; the tears still fighting to not slide down my face. I ignored him and continued walking past the students grabbing books. 


I could hear him trying to catch up, and my pace quickened. I felt a hand grab my arm, making me turn around. 

"Let me go--don't touch me!" 

Draco attempted to pull me close to him, which caused my free hand to push him away from me. 

"listen to me! just--" 

He pulled me into an empty aisle, allowing us a bit of privacy. 

"let me go Draco." 

"Whatever I said, I didn't mean it." 

I scoffed, harshly pulling my arm out of his grip" 

"you're a liar--Draco, I broke the rules for you, just by being with you I lost everything. you've never cared-" 

"That's not true-" 

"I don't care anymore." 

My vision had become blurry as the tears were beginning to pour out. He inched closer as I moved my face away from his. 

"I--I'm sorry." 

"Sorry means nothing to me after you broke my trust." 

He walked away from me, his back against another shelf. He ran a hand through his hair as he shook his head in disbelief. I slid the ring off my finger and walked to him. His eyes met mine, as I handed him the ring. 

"No--Serena, please." 

"I'm nothing to you. remember?" 

I put the ring on one of the wooden tables and walked away from him. The tears had ultimately slid down my face, and I rushed back to our table to gather my belongings and leave. 

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