7 - Big Brother Dean

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'We're making pancakes. How many do you want?' Sam flicked the light on in your room, the harsh yellow glare stung your eyes. You tried to pull the covers up over your face but he tore them off you.

'All of them,' you groaned, narrowing your eyes to filter the light. He leaned against the door frame, supervising you as you got up just in case you went back to sleep, then walked with you to the kitchen.

'Just a heads up, Dean's in a bad mood,' he pulled your arm back before you got to the kitchen.

'Do you know why?' you asked innocently, hoping he hadn't told Sam about you and Cas.

'Hungover probably, right?'

'Yeah probably...' you said relieved.

Dean didn't notice you come into the kitchen, he was hunched over a stove and his back was to the door. When he turned to add another pancake to the tall stack already on the counter, he strayed from meeting your eye.

'Help yourself,' he grumbled, waving at the pile with the spatula in his hand then turned his attention back to the stove. You got yourself a portion, poured yourself a coffee and sat at the table in the seat across from Sam, who was flicking through a newspaper.

'No Cas?' you asked casually, pouring syrup on your pancakes. Dean cleared his throat dramatically.

'No, he said he had something to take care of,' Dean declared firmly, dumping the pan in the sink and preparing his own plate. You sighed with annoyance, whatever unfolded between the two of them last night probably ended with him sending Cas off on a fruitless errand. Dean sat next to Sam and started eating, staring at you passive aggressively, making you shift uncomfortably.

You oriented yourself to face Sam, trying to ignore Dean's behaviour.
'So Sammy have you foun-' you tried to change the subject but Dean interrupted you.

'Sammy, did Y/n tell you what she got up to last night?' Dean sneered, raised his eyebrows and smiled at you with hostility. Sam lowered his newspaper and glanced at the two of you. Picking up on the animosity brewing between you, he grit his teeth, preparing himself for Dean's already sour mood to worsen. Why was he always caught in the middle of it?
'Go on Y/n tell Sam. Or does he have to walk in on you by accident to know what's going on in this house?' he continued taunting.

'Okay that's enough. What is wrong with you?' you retorted, standing up from your chair.

'Me? Why would you let Cas do that to you?' he was yelling now, slammed his hands on the table and stood up as well.

'Wait... What did you and Cas do?' he had gotten Sammy's attention too, but you both ignored him.

'Dean are you insane? I didn't let him do anything to me. We're both consenting adults and I can make my own decisions!' you yelled furiously at him. You picked up your plate and stomped off to get your car keys, then to the garage.

You ducked into the driver's seat of your Ford, placing the plate of pancakes on the dashboard. You shut your eyes tight and let your head rest on the steering wheel, trying to soothe your headache and your anger.

'That was tense,' it was Sam's voice. You looked up to see him opening the passenger door and letting himself in. He sat facing you, extending his arm over your seat and smiling at you sympathetically.

'I guess you want to know what happened?' you sighed.

'Only if you want to tell me Y/n' he said considerately. You inhaled deeply. You wanted to talk to him about what happened because it was something you were so excited about, but now you didn't know how to deal with Dean and you needed Sam's advice.

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