13 - You, Castiel, And The Other Two

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You bounced your leg impatiently, watching Cas through the grocery store window pop up between the aisles, his basket gradually accumulating items. You should've gone with him, but you thought he'd hurry as you instructed. It was Cas though, so of course he'd have to stop and read the label of every product. You didn't want to go in and chase him up because you didn't want him to feel bad; he was proud of the human quirks he had learned like shopping by himself.

Another car pulled up next to you, a buff frat house bro sitting at the wheel and his lackies nudging him on.

'Hey babe, nice car,' he flirted.

'Thanks,' you replied monotonously, not looking up from your phone.

'Your daddy buy it for you?' he sneered.

You looked over to his crisp white, seven seater family car and snorted.
'Your mummy buy you yours?' you retorted, his friends erupting in laughter, jeering at the driver who tried to calm them down.

'Yeah alright that was a good one. Lemme get your number'.

'I have a boyfriend, sorry,' you state, almost choking on the word. The guy kissed his teeth with dismay, his friends consoling him as he drove away. God you hoped Castiel didn't hear you call him your boyfriend.

'Boyfriend huh? I like it' his voice popped up out of nowhere, startling you. You chuckled awkwardly, stammering over what to say.
'I was coming to your rescue but looks like you handled it already,' he nodded in the direction the frat boys drove off in, then ducked into the car. You asked him if it was weird that you called him your boyfriend, but he shook his head with a laugh.
'No it feels natural,' he said happily planting a kiss on your cheek then placed a slushee on the dashboard. 'For my girlfriend' he smiled at you, tossing the shopping bag onto the backseat. You could feel the warmth pooling in your cheeks, a pink blush spreading across your face. You slurped up the sweet icy drink to cool down. He got you your favourite flavour. 

Driving with Castiel was completely different from any road trip with the brothers, that's not to say you didn't enjoy spending time with them. Though the chatting and the singing and the joking around made for fond memories, it was a routine that could sometimes be maddeningly mundane. Even the late night therapy sessions could get tedious and you used to just nap in the backseat while they resolved their issues. You loved them but they could really annoy you sometimes. That's the point of having brothers though. With Castiel every moment you shared was cherished, the honeymoon phase of a relationship is sweet like that. Even sitting in silence was special, in these moments you could appreciate his cute quirks in more detail- like when a certain tree would catch his eye and he'd stare back at it until it fell away from view, or how focused he was while driving, or the endearing little questions he'd ask when he'd want to hear your voice. When you drove with Sam and Dean in silence for too long even the rhythm of their breathing started to irritate you.

'If you could be a tree what tree would you be?' his voice pulled you out of your thoughts. These are the kinds of questions he liked to ask.
You thought for a second, glancing to the tree line to try remind yourself of the names of different trees.

'One of those trees that bleed red sap. The ones they use for healing and incense and stuff,' you recalled seeing it in a documentary some time ago.
'I'd want to be a tree that is unique but useful. What would you be?' you asked in return.

'I think a willow tree maybe. They are very intuitive, and represent change,' he answered thoughtfully.

'And strong emotions,' you added. Your college friend was very into spiritualism, attributing people's character to their horoscopes, birthstone, trees or spirit animals. You knew a few things about it because of her. A willow suited Cas perfectly, a strong old tree that beckoned the beginning of spring, the season of change. And Cas had changed the most out of anyone you knew; he'd gone from a duty-bound Angel of the Lord to... well boyfriend material. As much as you'd want to credit yourself for making him into that person, you met him years after he met the Winchesters. It was Dean that made him into a human, as human as a divine angel could be.

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