Chapter 2

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The Complicated Girl

Chapter 2

Three months later.

I laid on the couch in my small studio apartment in New York City, eating sour cream and onion potato chips and watching reruns of The BIg Bang Theory. This had been my life for the last two weeks.

The last two stupid weeks after I lost my job as a secretary for one of the biggest companies in the city. All because someone else messed up and I got blamed for it.

'stupid people" I thought to myself.

The blaring sound of my phone interrupted my moment of self pity and slammed me back into reality.

"This had better not be Rose again" I said to myself as i grabbed my phone off the coffee table. Glancing at the screen, i realized that I had no idea who this was.

Cautiously, i slid the green icon over and held the phone to my ear.


"Hello, Is there a Miss. Rossi that I can speak to at the moment?" the voive on the other end of the phone said

"This is she."

"Ah, well hello Miss. Rossi, I hope your having a good day. I'm just called to let you know that our CEO would like to interview you for the position as his PA. Your Interview is scheduled for Friday at two and we request that you arrive no later than one with your resume ready"

I could feel my heart swell as I listened to the words this man was saying to me.

"Thank you so much" I said breathlessly

"No problem Miss. Rossi. Good luck and we hope to see you Friday afternoon at Steel Industries"

"Alright, thank you" I said again as i hung up.

I threw my phone onto the couch and jumped up onto it in excitement.

"Yes!" i screamed as i pumped my fist into the air.

"I have to call someone, Ohmygod, I have to call someone" i said excitedly as i grabbed my phone back off the couch, my hands shaking.

"Rose!" i screamed as soon as my best friend muttered her groggy hello

"Nikki, I swear to god, if you're trying to almost kill me you just succeeded" I could almost picture her rolling her bright green eyes as she said this.

"No listen Rose, Steel Industries just called me back!" I squeeled like a small child as I jumped up and down on my coffee brown couch.

"no way.." Rose said. I could hear her sitting up in bed and could almost see the look of astonishment on her face.

"Yes way. I have an interview Friday and now I need your help because I don't know what to wear" I said in a rushed tone.

"Don't you have all of that business-ey attire anyway?"

"Well yeah, but I don't know what to wear!" I said loudly as i threw my arms around. You could blame the Italian in me, I'm loud and I talk with my hands.

"Alright, I'll be over in ten. Just let me put my pants on and i'll be there" She said before hanging up. I tossed my phone onto the floor and squeeled one last time before hopping back onto my hardwood floors. The people living underneath me must love me.

I ran my hands through my long blonde hair and breathed deeply before turning off the TV and heading into my room to pull possible outfits out of my closet.

**Four hours later

"I still think I should go with the neutral tones" I said as my eyes drooped low.

"well I think you should wear the red skirt because it makes your already awesome butt look even better and I mean, like, you should stand out ,right?" Rose said as she crossed her arms and gave me a pointed look.

I rolled my eyes and flopped back onto my bed.

"This is hopeless Rose."

"Nikki Bad Bitch Rossi, you are not a quitter and you are going to rock this interview no matter what you freaking wear" Rose stated as she jumped onto my bed and stood over me, her dark brown hair cascading around her face.

"You are such a freak."

"but you love me. But what I don't love is being super late with meeting up with Dan. Because I want to get me some tonight" She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"gross" I grimaced.

"You just think it's gross because you haven't caught yourself a man yet. But you will babe, you will" she said as she jumped back down onto the floor and pulled her boots back on.

I sat up and readjusted my yoga pants.

"You are just some crazy sex freak" I said laughing

"Don't knock it till you try it" Rose said as she skipped out of my room. 

Once i heard the door of my apartment close i flopped back down onto the bed and sighed. This interview would be the death of me.

****Three days later

It was Friday. Friday morning. The day of my interview.

I stood at my kitchen counter with my coffee mug in hand, looking out of the floor to ceiling window that gave me the view of the bustling city below.

I glanced at the clock on the microwave and almost dropped my mug. I had two hours until I had to be at Steel Industries.

I set the cup down onto the counter and ran into my bathroom. I stumbled out of my clothes and took the fastest shower known to mankind.

I quickly pulled my golden blonde hair into a professional bun at the back of my head and began to button my red button down shirt over my bra.

I could feel my heart racing as i slid my white pencil skirt on and zipped it up.

I couldn't be late, I couldn't  lose this opportunity.

I slid a pair of black pumps onto my feet, grabbed my resume and my purse, and ran out of the door.

By the time I had caught a cab and made it to Steel Industries it was already ten after one.

"shit" I cursed softly as i walked into the building and headed to the receptionists desk.

A nice young man with light brown hair and dazzling blue eyes greeted me with a smile as i approached the desk.

"Hello, Welcome to Steel Industries, How can I help you today?"

"Yeah, uh, hi. My name is Nicole Rossi and I have an interview at two for the PA position for Mr Steel?" I said nervously.

"Oh yeah, I spoke to you a few day ago, My name is Jon. It's a pleasure to meet you. If you go to the 75th floor, the secretary will take you to where you need to be" he finished  in a beautiful british accent and smiled at me again. I nodded and thanked him as i hurried towards the elevator.

Once inside, I realized how important this place was. I was surrounded by men in suits with folders tucked under their arms and coffee's attached to their hands.

Once I reached the 75th floor and was directed to my waiting area by a nice red haired woman named Claire, i began to get myself situated.

"You can do this Nikki" i whispered my myself repeatedly.

I heard a door slam abruptly and a girl came running down the hallway crying. I could feel my face pale and my palms start to get sweaty.

"Miss. Rossi?" Claire said, peeking from around the corner


"Mr. Steel will see you now"


Yes? No? Maybe?

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