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The Serpentera mission was a success. Soon after they landed, Eric, Wes, Cole, Carter, Jason, Tommy, Leo, and TJ met up at The Surf Spot for dinner. Andros couldn't make it due to the fact that his wife was in labor.

It wasn't long before Eric's attention had landed on a girl, about seven or eight, with long black hair walking in with a tall blond man. There was something about her that peeked his interest.

Adele was taking their orders when Eric felt a sharp pain in his side.

"Wes," he growled.

"Why are you staring at them? It's rude."

"And elbowing someone isn't?"

"Why were you staring?"

"Who was he staring at?" TJ asked Wes.

"The little girl over there with the blond man."

"Oh," said Jason. "That's Pastor Samuel and his granddaughter, Michael."

"What kind of name is that for a girl?" Leo asked.

"Exactly," a female's voice said. The reds turned to see a box-dye blonde standing near them. "I don't know what she was thinking when she named her that. Poor girl already has to put up with having her for a mother."

"Jennyvette!" Jason put on a strained fake smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Eating," she said dully before putting on a bright smile for Tommy, glancing at Eric and Wes as well. "Hi," her voice had an almost fake cheerfulness to it. "I'm Jennyvette Callente. I was in the Miss California High School Rodeo Queen pageant."

"Which you lost," Jason mumbled.

"Yeah, to that brat's mom," she rolled her eyes, looking at Michael.

Wes looked at Eric, who wasn't paying attention to him. Who was Michael's mom?

Eric was about to ask when Jennyvette left and the conversation turned to other things.

Namely, if and who they were with.

Jason was engaged to a non-ranger named Emily. Tommy was engaged to the second pink ranger, Zeo pink, and first Turbo pink, Kat. TJ was married to the second Turbo pink and Astro pink, Cassie, who was also a pretty famous rock star. TJ also explained that Andros was married to the second Turbo and Astro yellow, Ashley, who was a designer. Leo was dating one of his pinks, Kendrix, who had apparently died and come back to life. Carter was engaged to Dr. Dana Mitchell, his pink. Wes explained his long love story with Jen before stating that Eric was dating the yellow Wild Force Ranger and the two Silver Guardians told the other reds that it was obvious that Cole liked Alyssa.

"Wait wait wait wait wait," TJ said, staring at Eric. "You're dating a yellow from another team?"

He opened his mouth to respond when he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around to see the young girl.

"Hi," she smiled. "I'm Michael."

"Eric," he couldn't help but smile back. Usually, people couldn't get that kind of genuine reaction out of the stoic Quantum ranger. It seemed it was only this girl, his neighbor Alice, and Taylor.

"Are you in the military?" she asked.

"What?" he questioned, confused.

She pointed to his neck. "Your dog tags. My mom had them, too. She was in the Air Force."

Eric looked down at his dog tags that he'd unconsciously pulled out from under his shirt. "I was an Army Ranger," he said.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"My Papa always says to tell people who were in the military 'thank you' because what you did isn't easy and not everyone comes home." Michael looked at her boots. "My mom didn't come home," she said sadly, then smiled up at him. "My uncle was an Army Ranger. I was named after him because I was born on his birthday." She frowned again. "He didn't come home either."

Her grandfather came up with a smile. "I hope Michaela isn't bothering you."

"Of course not," Eric smiled. "She actually reminds me of my neighbors' daughter I babysit sometimes."

Samuel smiled at him before turning to the three longest-running reds. "Can I expect to see you boys Sunday?"

Jason nodded.

"Of course," Tommy said.

"We'll be there," TJ smiled.

"How are Cassie and the twins?" Samuel asked TJ.

"Great. Derek and Delilah are at Cas's aunt's and Cassie's at the hospital. Ash is in labor."

"I'll have to congratulate Ashley and Andros the next time I see them," he turned to Jason and Tommy. "And how are Emily and Kathrine?"

"They've both been busy wedding planning," Jason said.

"I see," Samuel turned back to Michael who was staring at Eric's dog tags. "It's time to go, kiddo. You've got school tomorrow. Say goodbye."

"Bye, guys!" Michael smiled at the group as a whole before smiling brighter at Eric. "Bye, Eric!"

They turned and left.

"She acts just like her mom did at that age," Adele walked up and sat down another basket of fries.

"You knew her mother?" Cole asked.

"Everyone in Angel Grove at least knew of her. Poor girl felt like she had to do everything perfectly. Her own mama died when she was seven. When she was fourteen, her brother died. She got pregnant with Michael at seventeen. She was always a good girl and a fantastic mother. She went MIA almost two years ago now. Michael misses her more than she shows. That family has a hard time getting emotions out sometimes. I feel sorry for Samuel, too. First Alyson died, then Michael, then Erin ran out on them. His youngest got pregnant in high school after he'd been raising her on his own for ten years, now he has to raise his granddaughter by himself." Adele laughed. "Samuel's the most stubborn man I've ever met. But he's hardworking. Best preacher I've ever heard. And he truly believes what he preaches. And practices it, too."

Wes and Eric got called into a bank robbery in Silver Hills.

"Sorry that we have to cut this short," Wes stood up. Hope to see you all again."

"Bye, Wes. Bye, Eric," Cole called with his trademark grin.

Eric merely waved, his mind on something else.

Who was Michael's mother?

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