twenty nine.

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the night soon faded away from them, drifting into that dark navy sky that rested above them along with the stars as they all shyly continued to chat away and reminisce the memories of their childhoods and sweet unforgotten encounters together.

dustin and will eventually ended up calling an uber to pick them up and take them both back to their hotel not too long after hopper left, insisting that they didn't need to stay the night at the writer's humble brownstone apartment because they wanted to go explore the city together quite early tomorrow.

and even though mike could have probably believed that excuse any other day, it was pretty obvious that they both felt a bit off, even with him trying to make sure they felt just as included as everyone else.

but it was hard to do that when his sweet looked so mesmerizing tonight, with her glossy wide eyes and pretty plush lips that had just completely consumed every last cell he had in his lovesick brain.

and truthfully, he believed it would be quite a crime to allow her to be walking around without someone to admire her every second, to watch as her tiny gestures and flickers of emotions across her face added to her intoxicating aura.

el hopper was her own piece of art, even with all her flaws and misconceptions... she was too perfect for even him to find the words to describe her sometimes.

though even with that being said, the writer was also convinced that dustin and will felt a bit weird due to the fact that mike and el were not the only lovebirds to crash this evening event tonight. and in the raven haired boy's own personal opinion, he thought being around him and the artist was probably much more comfortable than accompanying themselves around lucas and max.

now don't get him wrong, they were cute. possibly too cute in ways in which mike truly had no understanding for.

but that was exactly why they were so hard to be around. they were so similar, with each of their side glances and unsaid conversations that only the two of them could understand. even the writer had to throw the tiny brunette a few looks over the course of sitting with them in order to make sure she was seeing exactly what he was seeing.

it was a blossom of a new relationship, the tiniest little flame set ablaze right before their eyes, a spark he was more than grateful for but also completely and utterly confused by.

yet, that's what love does to people. it destroys every aspect you thought was yourself but in reality was only just a shell, ripping and tearing you down to the most resistless version of yourself.

and that's exactly what happened to mike and el once they departed with lucas and max for the night, the two boys agreeing to sacrifice their rooms for the girls before sufficing with sleeping on the couch.

of course, the raven haired boy didn't mind giving up his room for his beloved sweet, clearly he had done it before and would do it again if it meant she felt comfortable and safe.

besides at this very moment he had absolutely no reason to complain. because right now, just as he had finished changing, her shadow had suddenly started to dance on the wall in front of him, the writer sitting on the edge of his bed watching shyly as her small frame stayed illuminated by the light coming from the open bathroom door.

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