Waking up

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Now, me being a teenager, I hate getting up before noon. no I'm not a teenage boy, I'm a teenage girl. weird right. comment if you wake up that late too.

Having all brothers I have literally been sleeping in until noon since I was 8 or 9. believe it or not, I hate sleeping. it sucks. its a waste of time. but here is the catch, I hate sleeping, at night. I love sleeping during the day.

What if we went to school while it was dark and slept during the day. weird how my mind works right? I'm a total night owl.

I'm not a morning person. when I first wake up, it hurts my throat to talk so I seem pissy in the morning. also I love coffee but at night is when it tastes the best.

I am pretty sure I'm ADD. (attention deficit disorder) cause caffeine makes me tired. it does the opposite of what it is supposed to do.

I also don't drink Monster, Rockstar, or 5 Hour Energy. if you do you are signing a contract to get cancer.

My favorite drink is coke, or Pepsi, idc. I love all my internet friends. I love all my followers. and everyone who reads my books. which is like 4k people. but I'm friendly so...

Go ahead and comment/vote. you can comment questions and I will personally answer😘❤️promise .

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